Sunday, August 24, 2008
Currently having the FAQ page in progress. Cindy is a good girl,Cindy is hardworking.Cindy has been studying,Cindy has a test.Let's hope that Cindy passes,Passes with flying colours.She'll pass with no adjusts,And smiles on everyone! :)Hey, thanks Freda bestie! You don't have to do that, you know.All the best to everyone! May your prelims be good news ^^-Everything that you'll ever need are just beside you if you open your eyes.-
I would want to live longer...
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Right, if you realised, my previous blog entry was not complete.Mainly due to my dad, who forbade me from using the computer and partly due to my proposal for band. Wanted to make it nicer.Anyways, new updates on the blog. I've linked my blood-related sister Monji and my non-blood-related sister Aishah.I do realise that I've not announced that my sister had now become a Graduand. Feels like time flies super fast. She's staying with right now in Singapore, playing a part-time mummy as well. Haha.I am also exhilarated to announce that I am proud of Aishah. After all that you've gone through, it's amazing that you did not resort to your old habits. And it's funny how I actually felt that I was about to start on that habit, you know. Some of my friends asked whether it was because of curiosity, and it's not. I just had this vibe that I'll somehow do it in the future. Somehow.Also, we have been hurt in a way that is almost the same, yet different. It's been more than a year for me now and well, it seems like I could put it behind my mind. Well, actually, I have the help of the problems that I'm facing at the moment as well. Thus making it sort of easier for me, I guess. I hope everything will go well for you too. Forgetting is impossible but erasing that empty patch is still possible :)Today. I went out with Aishah, Lady Poo, Chan, Mr. Nonami, Celeste and Fanny. Did I miss anyone out?? Ate at KFC, was extremely full; I could hardly walk! Li Ye is working there and she has gotten her Singapore citizenship. Congrats! :DWe went to BML after the meal again. Was looking at Lady Poo's pictures. God, I was so surprised! He actually looked like a jock in some of the pictures, I am serious. This is not happening. What's happening to the world?? Haha.Oh yes, I am collecting photos too. Preferably pass photos, no matter how good-looking or ugly you are in it. If you're not willing to give me a pass photo, just give me a photo of that size. :) hee! *goes off looking for more*Okay, back. After that, we went to the interchange to go back home, supposedly. By then there were only me, Aishah and Chan. Caroline called me as we planned on meeting today. And so I did. It was already about 5PM at that time.So I took 131 with Chan. He dropped at his house, which apparently is freakishly near my house and is around the SAFRA, while I went to Vivo - where Caroline, Kwek and Sherman were.I do not know what really happened but they were discussing about how guys woo girls. The person they 'seek' help from: me. -_- I wonder which part of my face says "HEY! I'm the LOVE GURU!"And then, somehow, we turned into two teams and Sherman became Carol's best friend while Kwek became my best friend. Haha! Oh, I forgot to mention how scary Caroline was. I said something to her, and she was sort of pissed (in a joking manner) and she started chasing after me. My instinct was just to run for my life!However, due to my low IQ and, not to mention, bad memory, I forgot that Caroline is a Gold-medalist runner. Thus, my so-called run-for-my-life is equals to walking to her and she caught me within 5 seconds. Oh brother, I was freaked out and my best friend just stood there with HER best friend talking. -_-Jokes aside, I reminded them that their movie was about to start and we parted. (Hey, Kwek is really a sweet guy.) Hope you get over or reconcile with her soon, best friend. It really is a wonder why 2 people are not able to be together when their hearts beat as one.What went wrong?So we parted and I called Ardisa since she happened to be at Vivo with Miranda. Haha! Yepz.. Talked and met them for approaximately 10 minutes and I, being a promise-keeper, told them that I had to be on my way home.I'm such a good girl. :DOh yes, my dad just scolded me again. saying that I must be thinking about my friends all the time and yada yada yada. Which is true, but I have been sparing thoughts for them too. I am getting sick and tired of this. Give me a life! I need to lead my own life, I have been leading my own life for the past 7 and a half years. What rights do you have to reboot my entire system now?I am really thankful to Mdm Norlinda, my geography teacher. She is really understanding and patient. I mean, she has always been very nice towards me and she even talked to me the other day, which sort of helped me. If only all adults are like her..Well, eversince sec2, my perspectives towards teachers sort of changed because of the fact that there was this teacher who betrayed my feelings. She is still teaching in my current school. Continue guessing.There was also this teacher whom I've always respected, but I learnt that she is sort of shows favouratism. Of course, it has nothing to do with me as she was not biased against or towards me. However, I do not wish to hope too much, lest hurting myself again.Madam Linda just showed me that there are still teachers out there who truly believes in their students and proved my stereo-typing wrong. There are teachers like mam. Anyway, I better go now. It's getting late :) Oh, before I go off, I have to make a few statements.Firstly, males and females are
EQUAL. In the sense that girls can do most of what guys can do and guys can do most of what girls can do.
Why are there no unisex competitions in the Olympics?
-Sexual harrassment.Secondly, I am
STRAIGHT. Why do people mistook me as a
lesbian? Mind you, I
am a tomboy, but I am
not a butch.
Why are you still single and have never had a boyfriend?
-Ask the heavens why my soulmate has not appeared in my face.Thirdly, I am an
Indonesian, and my race is
Chinese.I thought you're Malay? Don't you take malay as mother tongue in school?
-No, my dear. Even if I do take Malay, that does not determine my race, and I take Chinese anyhow.Fourthly, I am still
young and I am
not over-age.You're over-age right? You're a foreigner, after all.
- Yes, I am a foreigner, but no, I am not over-age. I came here eversince I was 8! And yes, son, I fail my subjects too.Lastly, for the moment, I have to admit that I my head have been quite over-loaded the past few days.
Are you stressed? What the hell have you been doing in school? Start studying! Stop sleeping! Yada yada yada.
-Honey, I have my reasons. Mostly related to home. At least I am not an emo-in-the-making. Yes, I've not been sleeping, son, and I am trying my best so stop pestering me like a bug! I have a life.So, I conclude that I should make an FAQ soon. XD HAHA! :D Do look forward to that, and I wonder if I have readers at all XD Haha! Nights~! :)
-It really is a wonder why 2 people are not able to be together when their hearts beat as one.-
I would want to live longer...
Friday, August 22, 2008
Hihi! Today had band as usual. It's the supposedly 'date-line' for my proposal. The thing is, I realised that I left my proposal at home, together with my Mother Tongue textbook and workbook! Yikes!! *bites teeth*I figured what I could do about the books almost immediately, though. So, that was kinda a safe story. The thing was my proposal. So, I wrote everything that I could remember proposing on my original.Turned out that Sir Faizal did not come today. Thank God! Well, the wastage of paper and ink is excusable. Definitely worth it.So, after band, I was supposed to go home and rest first, but guess who I met? Aishah and Liyana Stockings!! Haha! Yeah, of course, I went to them and chit-chat with them!! It's been SUPER long since I met them. Yes, I guess I've not mentioned this, Stockings turned from black to brown ^^Aishah was wearing what Stockings described as "red". Anyway, so we went out of school. There was Stockings, Chan, Jeremy, Aishah and me. Sorry, new update: Jeremy Poo. Haha!However, Stockings had school. So Aishah and me sent her to the bus-stop and sent Chan to T-net. Supposed to be studying there, turned out that it was only restricted to members. -_-So Poo, Aishah and me went to McDonals instead. Met Kimberly and her crew on our way there. Turned out that we met them again near the McDonalds. Haha! So, the conclusion: whichever you go by, be it under the tunnel or above the ground, you'll still arrive McDonalds at the same time.Ok, here's the real deal. I seldom hang out with Poo and guess what? On our... First? outing, he was already BURPING so loud!! I swear!! He looked so SHOCKED himself! And his mouth was so DISFIGURED! For a moment there, I was stunned and scared. O_O HAHA! I SWEAR! HAHA! If only it was recorded!
I would want to live longer...
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Hi hi, I would like to post a picture of myself. It's definitely not the most recent. It was taken during the june holidays, actually. During Jessica's birthday, and no, I am not narcisstic. Haha! I am just happy at the end product ^^
I did not use any professional softwares or have any experiences before, mind you. So, please be nice to me and yes, comments are very welcome ^^ teehee! Here it is~ :) (I know I look old x.x gaaaahh! I am still very young, I swear!)
-"Peace begins with a smile."-
Mother Teresa
I would want to live longer...
Saturday, August 16, 2008
So, I've done a Tarot Card Reading. It's with regards to my lost handphone. And yeps, the cards sort of read it.
How you feel about yourself now?The WorldThe WorldFulfillment. All aspects of life come into balance. Everything works together for good. Success, and the ability to appreciate and maintain it. Life becomes a joyful dance.
What you most want at this moment?Death
Radical change. Irreversible loss. Renouncing old ways. Breaking old patterns. Endings. This card speaks of endings which are necessary, making new beginnings possible.

| Your fears The Wheel of Fortune
Luck. Chance works in one's favor. Outside factors improve the situation, bringing new or better options. Make the most of what Fortune offers, but do not expect to get by on luck alone. 
| | What is going for you ? The Tower
Shake-up. Revolution. "Wake-up call." Sudden change of circumstance. Disaster. Dramatic revelation. Shocking news. Sudden illumination or realization. 
What is going against you ? Justice
Fairness. Balance. Unbiased judgment. Dealings with the legal system. Expect a good outcome, provided that one is deserving and has done the necessary preparation. 
| | Outcome Strength
Passion. The instinctual nature. Taming of primal energies. Making friends with one's "animal" nature. Strong drives and emotions. One's natural faculties are a source of strength. Frankly speaking, I feel the negativity in these. I felt that there's this thing in me which says that I may find my handphone back. True enough, the card said so. However, the chances are 50:50 as well. The outcome - I'll be stronger, as I thought I would. Best of luck to me!! X_X | Here's some Tarot Cards for you. :)
I would want to live longer...
Hey hey hey, this is not the post that I promised. But as you know, I am currently rather desperate about my handphone, and not to mention rather stressed about it too. I was on Fiesta yesterday (to those who do not know, it's an online game which i am currently playing.) and I met this player who was apparently brought up believing zodiacs and such. I was quite amazed and impressed, frankly speaking. So, I thought, hey, why don't I check my character out? I mean, so far, these sort of things are usually quite true and maybe I'm even able to solve me current handphone problem, somehow. So, I went to a zodiac website and found this: A Handwriting Test. Here is my result.Free Hand Writing Analysis Report
You are straightforward in your approach and know your mind basically. You can handle any situation with your poise and maturity.
You are an independent person with fine disposition and no prejudices. Negatively, however, upright writing signifies self-centeredness and rigidity.
Your head rules over your heart.
You are an easygoing kind of person, but that does not mean that you are least concerned.
You seek recreation and work on equal scales.
You maintain stability while handling money.
You are cautious, such that you think several times before taking an action or starting a new venture.
You project just a part of yourself to the world, letting them know your ideas and thoughts a limited extend.
You work with the most-favourable pace and hence, do not have to conciliate between the quality and speed.
You are a dependable and trustworthy person.
You maintain balance between your capability and ambition which helps you to shun difficulties in achieving your goal.
You handle criticism with your cool temperament and dignity.
You have reasonable keenness in the task you undertake.
You like to remain secluded and do not enjoy limelight.
You are least concerned about gratifying the world and rather look forward to your own contentment through the completion of your task.
You have a distracted and unfocused mind.
You are an extrovert and hence, like to socialize with the people.
You use your agile hands very often and are nimble in doing mechanical work.
You believe in living life to the fullest and consider amusement and bliss as very important.
You lack vital strength of mind and will to accomplish you work.
You are flexible and practical which works to your advantage. The balance outlook of yours helps you adapt yourself according to the crowd. |
So, all in all, the result is positive except for the distractive and unfocused mind, of course. And yepz, they're right again! Hahaha.. I know this just a stereotyped test but hey, it's true. I wonder why is it that a machine can understand me so well XD haha! Anyway, if you're interested, here's the link Handwriting Analysis.
I would want to live longer...
FUCKING HELL. I lost my handphone. I know that this is not the desirable to talk about after not posting for so long, but I'm so sorry guys. I am really fucking pissed right now.
I do have a post saved actually it's about what I had went through. Mostly about Singfest :) haha! To those who went there, I am sure that you guys had a blast! Shall we keep in contact to go together next time? I don't mind at all :) And yes, I do found out a lot about couple of the bands.
So, anyway, back to the lost of my handphone. I lost it in a taxi yesterday at about 6 PM, at the Bencoolen Link, near a Kwan Im Temple (Si Be Lo) and the Stamford Arts Centre. It is a rather populer place, you guys should know. Well, near there is the Waterloo Street.
I realised my missing handphone the moment I walked away from the taxi. So I tried to call my handphone. I was hoping that whoever found it would pick up the call and save me. My sister suggested to chase after the taxi. So, I did. However, the taxi had gone off and I lost track of it forever, stupid me. I could not remember the plate number, not the taxi driver's number. It was just within minutes! I can't believe this!
The worst thing is that about 15 minutes before this incident, I was still at The Anchorage - in the lift to be more precise, going out to the temple - and I realised that I left my handphone in my room as I was recharging the battery. I told my mum and she told me to get my phone. So, I went ALL THE WAY back just to get my handphone.
So I rushed down to catch up with my family members and the moment I reached the main road, there was already a taxi waiting for me. Yep, you guessed it. It meant that I lost my handphone within 15-20 minutes after I left my handphone. IT SUCKS TO THE CORE. I AM MORE PISSED THAN EVER! At other time when I lose my things, I'll feel sad and all, but this time, I really do feel that it shouldn't have been lost!! :(
I really really do hope that I'll get my handphone back. To whoever who have found it, please return it to me. I will reward you, I swear. It is not only about the handphone.. It's about the things that I have in it. The photos, the memories... I really really do hope that I'll retrieve it back. In fact, if you want the handphone as the reward, I do not really mind at all. I will live on without a handphone to my name. I am positive that my mother will not get me a new one and that is what I am hoping for. So that I'll learn a lesson and make sure that I will not lose such important things.
But, the datas that I have.. And the numbers that I lost.. I was supposed to hold a gathering and I am the planner. I can't contact them now, and seriously.. I have pictures of my friend who had left for another country and probably will not be coming back ever again. I have pictures of me and Caroline having our first time out to TCC for studies and other pictures as well.. I don't really mind the music, I guess. I can get it again. Pictures of SingFest, and actually, the phone itself is my very first first-hand handphone..
So, yes. I can't say anything more. This shall be the end for now.. If you can, please help me search for it..
Number: 83881963 You can contact me at 64726718 for the moment. Thank you and I am super sorry for the incovenience.
-Will I See The Light?-
I would want to live longer...