Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Haha.. Well, wanna know something cool? Yesterday we had extra lessons. Physics and math. We were taught on elements and.. Venn diagrams. I have no idea what's the chapter called. Anyway, I'm glad to say that it's simple but totally useless. Why did the teachers even teach us these sort of things? I mean, we're definitely not gonna use it in the future! Trust me. Will you go up to your boss and tell him about the number of elements there are in his product's name?? Or go up to the cashier lady and started counting elements?? It's so.. Unprofitable.Anyways, the worst part is that the teacher who was giving the lecture was that teacher. I have no idea what's her name as well. Point is, she's ridiculously annoying and nobody likes her. Poor thing. Guess teaching is not her forte. In fact, she's not even good at it at all. Thus, I conclude that she should just get out of school. I'd say the same to my math teacher. In fact, I think this teacher may be a tiny bit better than mine. Bleahx.Anyway, the something cool that I was referring to was that we had band investiture at that afternoon right after lessons. That was the first time I ever for me. Haha! Cool?? And I've been in Indo right, as you guys should have known, and I just joined them in just like that - empty handed plus with no item to put up. How.. Thick-skinned. But anyway, I sat there and watched the whole performances and the passing down of positions. Oh, I wasn't the only "newbie". It was the first time for Reagina too! Taha! XD Ah.. Amazingly I got a position!! Whee! XD really amazing.. :) The new majors are Ron Shen, Rafidah, Cheryl and Janice. Realy expected for the girls but I have to say that I am, to this point, still shocked that Ron is going to be the next assistant band major. After all, he was really quiet, hardly doing anything and as I've remembered, he wanted to quit. It was quite a heart-breaking news too. I was rooting for Jia Bei to be one of the majors. Seriously, although there is a little language boundary, he has all the qualities I think a leader should have. Those that are definitely missing in Ron, unfortunately. Sigh.. ARGH!! I really am devastated!! Although he got the Section Leader position.. He's capable of doing more!! Grr. >:[GRR.I was really hoping that he'll get it!! :( Haha! Funnily, Reagina was rooting for me. Teehee! So cute.. My dears, it's impossible. :) Haha! And I said that it's funny cause she knew that it was impossible too XD haha!Okay, next. Hey! Who says that miracles can't happen! A miracle just befell upon me! Yesterday too. Hit the button man!
Okay, here's the deal. I got back my report book and I looked at my results. They suck like sheit! Damn man! Ah yes, Isnu! You've been wanting to know my real results. Here they are.English Language: C5Chinese: E8Additional Math: D7Math: C6Science: C6Combined Humans: B4Principles of A/C: E8Haha! Don't ask me man.. I dunno. My results just piiiuuhh! Dropped that badly. But the miracle is that I'm still the Top 10 of the class! XD haha! Sitting at the 9th position! :D and am still the first half of the whole level! Damn, dude! I was expecting to be the last in class or the last few and to be at the last half of the level! LIFE COULDN'T GET BETTER! :DOkay, and so yeah.. I'm in need of hair trim and and I've finished reading The Five People You Meet In Heaven. Have actually done so for a fews already I think. Just that I've been forgetting to jot that down. The book is beautiful. Much nicer that the "award-winning" Tuesdays With Morrie, I'd have to say. The two have really strong morals but I prefer the Five People much much more. Tuesdays gets rather boring mid-way. =/Okay, that's about all for now :) hehe! My percentage is super bad. 52.3%. And haha! Don't even talk about MSG. I'm just super proud of myself that I've improved in both my math although I still fail one of them and barely passed the other. =D Haha!
I would want to live longer...
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Okay, now, let me tell you what happened when I was in Indo. On my arrival, I was darn hungry. Yes, I was on a budget airline- Lion Air- and, yes Stef, "it is not safe and very risky" you should say all that to my mum! Well, I did, actually, on your behalf. She said that Lion Air actually is one of the largest aeroplane companies right now. Must be quite trustworthy then, no?Anyway, back to the point. Since it was budget, we did not have food. Only plain water, a cup at that. Was very tired plus hungry and there was no food. So I told mami that I wanted some food to save my life and we could not go to any restaurants cause of the traffic congestion; you guys should really come to Jakarta to realise just how lucky you guys are.So, what am I to do? She wanted to call for a home delivery for meatballs since I had the craving for Indo's meatballs (they have really delicious ones), but unfortunately, she didn't have the number. So she called her sis-in-law and I was invited to have dinner at her house!! :) yippee! How generous of her! Heard there was Empek-empek there (this was the reason why I was extremely delighted to be invited in) and I just love Empek-empek. Okay, fine. To tell the truth, I did not know that I was going to have my dinner there as Mami only said that I was to be there for the Empek-empek full-stop. When I got there, my aunt-in-law then offered me to have my dinner there as well. And so I did. I do not know why but everything on that day seemed so budget XD haha.. It was delicious, by the way! My aunt-in-law really knows how to cook and I am so proud of her.And because of this, I was able to meet my.. Cousin.s. Ko Hendra, Ko Richard, Steven, Ko Arthur and Ci Hilda. Well, I don't really Ko Hendra but I've met him before a couple of times. Don't really know Ci Hilda too and I can't seem to remember her that well must have met her once of twice only before. It's been a very very long time since the last time I met Ko Richard, Ko Arthur and Steven. The last time I met them, I believe, was when I was still 8-years-old. Pretty long, huh. Half of my life ago.I wasn't that close to Ko Arthur cause he's way older than me, older than my first sis. I remember that I used to play with Ko Richard and Steven. Ko Richard is a couple of years older than me. Remember him being this very serious guy. Didn't really talked much with him but I did know there was a sort of hostile atmosphere between him and his brother. Well, you know, siblings, always have those little conflicts, but they were fine.As for Steven, he was the brother that I was referring to. We're the same age :) Played with him too. Didn't really talked much too but, seriously, I could remember very vividly that everyone around us always compares us. Our height, our degree of.. Fatness. I was the tall and fat one, as always. The reason they compared was because of the fact that I'm a girl and he's a boy too. I never really thought much about it but I do wonder whether he did. After all, he is the guy, right? Could have given some negative impact, no?Anyway, Ko Richard went to America for further studies some time after I left for Singapore. Steven still studies in Jakarta. Well, I don't know why but I do have the feeling that Ko Richard has somewhat changed from who he used to be. He used to be, ya know, always reading the newspaper, listening to the adults and so on. Haha! Guess the Americans are getting into him.Nothing really changed in Ko Arthur, I guess. always that much taller than me. Oh! He's working now :) Have been working for a few years already for papi.Nothing really changed with Steven too. Oh! He smiled at me when I waved at him when we met ^^ Happy~! Hehe.. He hasn't forgotten about me! :D Yes, Ko Richard did not -_-. For Ko Arthur, you don't have to ask. Of course he'll remember, right? He was old enough. Haha! I'm not trying to be mean! :DLet's talk about the next day then. Yes, I did not meet all of them on the first day, by the way. Met them all on the second day except for Ko Richard. Oh! Did I tell you that I met his boss? Yes, he's a part-timer. All of his cousins are too. Well, they are my cousins-in-law. Anyway, their boss is super nice. I can bet with you that she must have lots of rocks. For a fact, I did not know that she was his boss at first and just talked to her. Haha.. Little did I know that she turned out to be his boss. God, she was so nice, I swear. I would have imagined that a boss would be fierce, unfriendly and all that. Oh, and she is very young-looking too. Definitely didn't look like her age. I thought that she was 50 plus. 52 Maybe? Turned out that she was about 63! O.o Must have been because of her nice nature!! It's really shown all over her face!Haha.. God that made me talk all about her. Anyway, the next day was blogged already. You know, the part when I puked and the Rosemary Prayer. As for my last day, I woke up later than the day before thanks to the dinner from before. God. Didn't tell my aunt and uncle - whom I stayed with and got scolded. x.x Sigh, it's okay. Anyway, I got my fortune told as well. Seriously, my uncle's sister has the strong ability of fortune-telling. She even foretold that I was working while studying. Sheit, I just denied since everyone else were there. I feel bad! x_x She also foretold that my English and Sciences will drop drastically, which I have been realising these past months! Anyway, that brings us to my airport experience. Went there too early and the gate to the waiting area was not even open yet! Couldn't believe it! There was no chair and thus I went to a cafe nearby. Super expensive for goodness sake! But well, It was alright I guess since it's 3 US$ actually. Just looked expensive because of the fact that it was sold in Indonesia's airport. International - I have to remind myself.Before that, when I was checking into the immigration, the officer was staring at me ans asking, "have we met before?" duh no. Then he continued to look and asked again if I was sure that I have not. Man, stop flirting will you? And he was like, "oh, to Singapore, is it?""ehem""Do you have a boyfriend?""... hmph :)""Where's your boyfriend? He's not with you?""ehem""So, you're just living him behind? How mean!""ehem""Okay.. When are you coming back?""I dunno.""How could you leave your boyfriend like that?""... hmm haha"-_- what the.. Right, I wonder where my boyfriend went to. Hey, dear, how could you leave me? :) haha! *grins*So yeah.. I guess that's about all the memorable ones. Oh, I broke some eggs that mami bought from the supermarket. My bad. Got some things from there to here too. Oh, lots of comic books :D Whee! Marvellous, eyh. And some other things, not gonne tell you :P OH! The baggage was super heavy!! Brough too many stuff.. Even had some vegetables into my backpack! Goodness gracious! Glad I'm not a hunchback now! phew! -_-Hehe, okay, shall end this now. Tah~~ I wanna swim!!~~ ~_~-I Entrust My Heart To The People Near Me, To My Friend.-
I would want to live longer...
Friday, May 23, 2008
Heyy~~ Just to say that I'm back in SG~!
Just to show you something that I found XP

Golly~ Wonderful??
And I found this :)
-Actions Speak Louder Than Words-
I would want to live longer...
Thursday, May 22, 2008
I would want to live longer...
Hey everyone! In Indo right now. Am at my aunt's place and they're having a gathering. The Rosemary Prayer gathering, where they pray for Mother Mary. Anyway, I have a bad news to those of you who wanna come to Indonesia, especially the big states like Jakarta (capital). There may be a riot. They said that the chances of having one is as high as 20-30%. Not good. Just hope that the mishap which happened in 1998 will NOT repeat itself. Gosh, it was like HELL man!Okay, now. For my flight back to Singapore, it'll be tomorrow. Supposedly at 5.15 PM from here. So I'll reach there at about 6 PM? Yeah, will try our best to get out of harm's way.Oh yeah, another one. I just puked just now. Shucks! Well, ate just now, at this place as well. Just a couple of meatballs a-nd bee hoon. Seriously, I have no idea why but I was bloated like HELL. So yeah.. I tried to walk around and jumped and do all sorts of things in hope that it'll all go down to my tummy and get digested. I even asked Ardisa and Isnu on what I should do.Yeah, it was all to no avail. I finally gave in and vomitted most of my dinner out. Gaahh.. Hate the feeling of vomitting. Need some water.. Will get some later on then. Anyway, a few moments after I puked, my cousins came into the room. The rooms stinks. I feel sooo bad. I think they got the wrong idea. You know, poop. When I actually.. Puked. Argh, whatever. We just kept silent about the stench x.xSigh, how embarrassing. Whatever it is, I shall end this here. Sweet dreams everyone!! Good night. :) -Passion knows no difference or conflicts.-
I would want to live longer...
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Hies.. Will be going back to Indonesia today. It's not for the holidays yet, though. It's only to help do some things. I need to meet my aunt and uncle there as well.. And do some visa. Sigh. The thing is, I don't really wanna go. Cause I just I realised yesterday that some people have lied many lies for my sake. Fuck. I hate it when I get people into trouble. I didn't expect those lies too. Maybe the light ones, not heavy ones.Anyway, couple of days ago I went to Sentosa! Gosh.. Been so long since the last time I went there. The last time was.. For the Balloon Hat Festival. That is also because of a school function. Never went there again for my own leisure.Went there with Amanda and Alfreda and some of my primary school friends. Niger and Ian. The whole thing was initiated by Amanda's church. So we just tagged along ^^ Hehe. Ian's from Amanda's church too, by the way. It was fun! Fun fun fun!! ^^ Teehee.. Oh!! And I Right, I was cut. Sorry about that.. Had to bathe and go to school. My dad wanted to see the my form teacher and was told to do up my file properly x.x Shucks! Which reminds me.. MY E-MATH FILE!! HUIKZ!!! X_______x I don't know what the hell am I gonna do about it!! GAAHHHRight. Anyway, back to my story. And I leant how to cycle already! WHEEE!! Isn't that wonderful?!?!?!?!?! WHEE!! ^o^ teehee.. Man! I owe Amanda's friend a treat!! Can't believe that I could do it!! I'm not sure if I can do it again.. Hope I can still!!! =D Feel so so ssssooo HAPPY!!!Ehem.. And then ya. I know that this is a blog and I shouldn't tell everyone in the world about me scolding a person. But I did anyway. It's a fact that I can't run away from. And am not planning to run away from anyways. Seriously, I think that a person, who says sorry and did so because he said he knows what he had done wrong, but still does it , is an asshole. With capital A. If he does it over and over again, he's a F-ing Asshole. With capital F and capital A. Get the picture?It's also better for me to say it out rather than keeping inside me. What's the point of keeping it, right? Or maybe it's just me. Take it or leave it. =P Or would you rather me saying "Oh, I'm so sorry. I don't know what the hell I was doing." LOL. Or "I don't know what the hell I was saying." Either way, that's so.. Rude. Plus uncool plus whoever says those kind of things without thinking is an asshole. Don't you think that it'll be amusing? Well, it amuses me. So yeah, that's about what has been happening. Oh, went to eat at People's Park yesterday with my parents. Super filling. I actually ate with Miranda just before that but I didn't tell them. They'll kill me for sure. Oh yes, Madam Abby Choo was with us for the English mass lecture on Friday, was it? It was cool. We got scolded, sad to say as usual, and she was the one scolding us. She really was cool man. Speaking in a soft voice but her words pierce through people's brains. Love the sentence when she said something like "Who gave you the rights (she used another word which I forgot. Was it odiousity?) to speak like that? I was asking a rhetorical question, don't you know?" Pretty cool, right?Oh yeah and I wrote this small itny message to Miranda during class telling her about what I realised. And this shall be the end of my entry for this period of time. Till next time, See ya! ^^-Once A Friend, Always A Friend.-
that is, unless something happens xD
I would want to live longer...
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Okay, for a fact, I've no idea what to blog about right now. It's a Saturday.. 1.28PM. Oh well, let me recall what has been happening. Umm.. On the 15th, had lessons till 3.30 as per normal. Oh, there was supposed to be this theory test and I wanted to go but I forgot.. So I went straight home. Oh! Akong Nicky's family has a new stall in Anchorpoint!! Do you guys know that?? Haha.. Well, Nicky is my primary school friend. by the way. He's my "grandfather" ^^ Well, it's the newly-opened Mister Crepe and I'm loving it! :DOn this day I met Harvest, Soon Ji, Jenny, Rena, Hui Min, Francita and Aron. Alfreda and her friend wanted to come down as well but at a later time. So yeah, I couldn't wait that long. Parents waiting at home.Oh yes, my sister's friend was at Anchorage too. He was here to meet his friend, the one living at Block E. He's Niki. On the 16th, yesterday, we had band again. Welcome back footdrills! Yes, it's been such a long long time since the last time we had any footdrills. Seriously, I'm getting pretty much corroded and need some oiling. did some timing and it was way off. And of course, it is quite obvious who is going to be the next band major already ^^ Teehee..Oh ya, the band investiture is around the corner. Really last minute notice. I have no idea why the teachers are doing this to us. Or, the commitee.I really wish to go for this year's investiture. After all, I've been missing the past few investitures. Frankly speaking, I sort of feel left out in almost everything. I have no idea if I should blame anyone for this. You know, myself? My parents? My nationality? It's really hard to excel in a place which does not belong to you. I hardly even belong anywhere right now. Haha. How ironic.So, yesterday was pretty tiring but we managed to pull through. Umm.. I am, however, rather confused with the commands. Like the command for you to be able to rest on the spot.. It's supposed to be rehatkan diri but it wasn't. Also, the command for you to check your alignments to the centre.. It's supposed to be ke tengah lurus but the command given to us yesterday was still ke kanan lurus. Which I am sure is wrong. Can't possibly say this in front of everyone.. They'll start saying that I'm cocky and all those stuff, right. And I don't really like to seek attention anyways. So, oh wells. :) Oh, ke kanan lurus means check your alignments to the right by the way :)Okay, and it brings us to the 17th - TODAY!God.. The sentence above just reminds me so much of The Five People You Meet In Heaven, written by Mitch Albom - the book I'm currently reading and am about to finish it soon ^^ You know, he always goes "TODAY IS EDDIE'S BIRTHDAY - ... ..." Haha! XDAnyways, was supposed to have band today as well. Woke up so god darn early today. Turned out I do not have to go cause, well, had to accompany my parents and grandparents. Anyway, I have to go now. I'll leave you guys with this picture :)
I would want to live longer...
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Alright alright. Here's the continuation of the last post. Sorry it took me so long.. My parents are here. Fortunately and unfortunately as well.. So yah.. Get the picture? Can't hang out, can't use the comp, can do nothing.
Yes, if you're aware of my job, I guess I should probably tell you this: I had to cancel my job when my parents came. No, not resign myself. You know, cancel for the day.. And the rest of the week. Not pleasant. No, no, Henry, my manager, was pissed off. Very. I can do nothing! Remember? They came her all of the sudden! No news, no wind, no typhoon whatever so naughts. My bad.. My irony.. Lose a whole week of salary T_T. But it can't measure up to our parents' worth ya. But still.. T.T
Anyway, the results are out. Wanna know mine? They're bad. But I'm still smiling :D It's not gonna bring me down! ^^ Hail me!! =D Hmm.. Let me tell you my results on the draft. These are the WORST results I've ever gotten in my whole life, I swear. I couldn't even pass my English! Unbelievable!! It's ridiculous! Really. I'm happy and surprised that I still passed my sciences! ^^ Amazing!! =D Teehee!!
A-math: F9
English: Not out yet but looking at my marks now about E8.
Mother Tongue (Chinese): F9
Humanities: C6
Sciences: C6
Alright, enough about my studies. Not the best results ever. Don't ask me why. I did try my best. Foooohh... Here are the photos! :)
Just who is that person!

Good picture lost :(
And I'm so sorry. My mum was using the computer again.. Can only get back on it right now.. It's 8.55 PM. Jus finished swimming ;) long time no swim! ^^ Oh god.. Shawn is crazy.. Why get himself into so much trouble??

Guess who's that sleeping~ XD
Of these...

It was in the middle of the night, or should I say morning, and we had fun! ^^ 19th April. Sang songs, took pictures (there are MORE) and.. ATE XD

Well, yeah. That's me trying to leave them some notes cause they're fast asleep.. Oh yeah, chef has a voice like the guy who sang "Find Way Back Into Love".

And finally the toilet.

I would want to live longer...
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Pictures Dedication
Alright.. I have many pictures that I've not posted. Thus, this post shall be dedicated for pictures for your eyes to enjoy ^^ And I'll give a short update at the very end most probably :)

Okay, never mind. My parents are here!!! ^o^ At least there are two.. Make a guess who I was referring to for the picture?? :D HEE HEE!! So wonderful right?? I wrote that in when there was a students' feeback form! :D
Okay, my mum wanna use the comp now! I've uploaded some other pics too :) good night!!
-Who says that I can't be Feminine?-
I would want to live longer...
Right.. Why are there so many pests lately?? I have no idea, my dear. But lizards aren't exactly pests, ya know. They help us eat up those annoying mosquitoes too! Well, I wonder why the one in my house is able to survive, though. Hardly any in my house. In fact, how did the lizard clan manage to survive living in Singapore? There were hardly any mosquitoes in Singapore in the past.. Only recently, those 6-legged creatures started flying around.Well, whatever it is, I am here to say that my days after the last post were okay. Except for the fact that I do not like the bin chute. It has all sorts of bacteria and unpleasant things inside it! Gosh.. I always loathe the time when I have to throw my bags of rubbish into it.. Who knows roaches may run their way out of the opening and into your BEAUTIFUL house!!! ARGH!! Destructive!!Yes, you may have guessed it. I touched on that fact because roaches just DID crawl into my house from the chute when I opened it.. Killed them instantly on the spot. HAH! Serves you right! Well, let me make an announcement. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MIRANDA!!! It's her birthday today! Went over to her house early in the morning. I almost died, I swear. Had not enough rest and it kills man. Don't ever skip your beauty sleep! After that, we did some things. The people played while Ardisa and I watched YouTube. Watched SuJu and DBSK.. GOD!! HOT HOT HOT!! XD And COOL TOO!! :D Teehee.. Unbelievable!! And I can't can't can't wait for my copies of ShinHwa albums!! Hmm.. I'm just wondering about what's going on with the mail that I posted.. It didn't seem to reach Wenyi.. x_x My 36.50 bucks!!! That's really alot man!! I checked my mailbox just now and received no rejected letter or anything like that.. Hope Wenyi got it soon x.xOkay. So, Just now there were Miranda, me, Jenny, Jessica Ang, Anita, Ardisa, Steffi, Sherman, Wilona, Soon Ji, Shawn, Joel, Leslie, Dinika, Li Gui and Quan. 16 people in total? Then Ardisa and I went home cause we were super tired. Didn't have enough rest the night before. Thus, I shall end this entry as well and go to sleep. ^^ Good night!!Some pictures of today:



Who's at the back? XD Li Gui!

In ze Toilet

I dunno where the heck my eyes went to..

Like this picture :)

Cute?? XD Just woke up..


Right.. Bless you!
-Listen to Your Heart.-
I would want to live longer...
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Okay. This is definitely not good.*shivers* a few days ago I just battled out roaches; which still leaves me quite paranoid right now.I thought that this bad event shall end there at that. Guess I was wrong.Moments ago before I got onto the computer again, I heard plastic muffles coming from my bin. Bet there's some sort of animal in need. Less likely to be another roach. I think it's a lizard. Didn't see it, though.Well, that's not it. I'm not such a baby! I went to my room to put back my bolsters and blanket. Then to my study table. It's on the way, you see. I heard another sound coming from the boxes under my table.There was a lizard!! Not just any ordinary lizard, I swear! It's got 6 legs.. Super fat but flat and super long tail! The weird part is that the last pair of legs is somewhat at the tail.. What the hell. It's SUPER FAT. Disgusting!!It could hardly run.. And the thing that came into my mind was to kill it. Annihilate annoying pests and disgusting animals too! Over with roaches cause I, proudly, am announcing that I've bought baygon yesterday.So, I thought that I could use the same baygon to kill the freaking lizard as well. Sprayed and sprayed to no avail. It's still alive!! And flat.. And fat. SHEIT. So disgusted right now.. I wanna clean my house!! My mom's not telling me where she kept some of the equipments are kept!!Somebody, seriously help me. I need to know how do you get rid of these creatures?? I know they do you good. But mutated ones or too many of them just gross you out, you know. Or at the very least, please, teach me how to catch them. I need to keep them away from me, before I become paranoid.I am already sort of having a roach paranoia. I don't need another "lizard-paranoia" to add on to it. My life will be SO miserable. Okay, I can still take it right now but, I swear, if I see another species of animal that I dislike, THAT'S IT! I've enough!Okay, anyway, before this, I went over to Calvin's. Haha. What a good boy! Cleaning the house and everything. When I stepped into his house, the big mirror in his dining room reminds me of a house. A house that I visited before.. Was it a deja vu? Gosh.. If it is, I could actually see that I was going to his house?? That's amazing!Anyway, today we had the second paper of E-math. Really not simple. Went to TBP anyway to eat lunch. Was in the bus and there was a girl who called me from the back. Was wondering who she was.. Turned out that she is being taught by Chrystal too. Haha! Amazing.. Well, I know how she knows my name. Must be from Chrystal but how did she know my face?? =/ Anyway, we had some honey just now. God. I'm broke. Left with 4 bucks?? Only. How shitty. Still have some more though but I haven't withdraw them. Oh, I haven't liquidified my cheque too.. Ah, now talking about my paranoia.. I guess that I AM already paranoid. Sheez! Goddamit.. Hope I can go through this.. x_xTomorrow is POA!! Cindy!! You can do it!! Fighting!! :)-Somebody, get me out of this paranoia, PLEASE!-
I would want to live longer...
Alright, I said that I was going to watch and sleep after that. Guess that's not possible anymore.Girl, this is just for you.I know that you came up to me yesterday and the day before,
And even the day before that.I can see the look on your face,
Not one of the best - not one that you'll wish to have.Did you try to tell me?
I'm sorry I've not been listening.Sorry I did not stop whatever I was doing
Did I try to ask?I think I did..
You did not tell me,What happened?
I read what your heart was trying to scream.You screamed but my deaf ears heard only muffles.
Here I am waiting,Waiting for you.
Waiting just for you.So tell me everything.
There's a better solution for everything.Whatever shit you're going through,
Whatever hell is eating you inside.Let them out.
Remember the promise you gave me?Girl, I told you once, I told you twice.
No more cuts, no more smokes.No more bleedings.
I was disappointed onceWhen you did not tell me about the smoke affair you got.
Whatever you do,Tell me.
I won't give up on you,But when I found about what you kept from me,
Something inside me tore too.Did you know that?
I was lost for words.I just shut myself up
And stayed indifferent.So please...
Please, don't give me an empty promise.But if you can't hold it back no more,
Tell me the truth,Don't hide.
Don't hide,Don't run.
Face it,Share it.
I'll be here for you, girl.Anytime, anywhere.
Wanna send me letters?Wanna tag me?
Whatever it is,Just give me a holler.
You know I'll be there for you.Loves.
I would want to live longer...
Well, Hi everyone! Guess what happened?I'll tell you first that I studied last night till 1 AM. So hardworking, no? I managed to memorize the whole radical compunds! ^^ You know.. Carbonate, Nitrate, Phosphate and Sulphate.. Lol! I feel smart!! Like a dumb.Well, the thing is that.. I was tired, I bet, and the paper was boring. So, I fell asleep! ^^;;. No, it's not cool. Seriously, I fell asleep! We had one hour and 15 minutes. The paper was supposed to end at 9.15 AM. GOSH! I woke up at 9! That was also because Ms Yu had came to my rescue! Thank god.. Thanks Ms Yu.. But it does not change the fact that I've used up most of my time, right? So yeah.. I did what I had to do in order to save my paper.. Hope I can pass!! x_x I feel bad.. Caroline had gone through so much to teach me and all.. And they have wasted so much time on me! I can't bear to see myself fail.Firstly, I'll let them down. Secondly, I'll let myself down. Ok, don't talk about my parents. They'll definitely strike a knife down my neck.So, yeah. That's about today. Accompanied Caroline to eat lunch just now. Then we bought ice-cream from 7-11.. OH SHEIT!! YA!! I forgot to return her!! I promised her that I'll return her the moment I withdrew at IKEA!!Aisshh.. So, anyway, we went to IKEA to withdrew. Actually, she wanted to have the IKEA ice-cream but changed her mind when I bought the ice-cream from 7-11. I got a Wall's topten and she got herseld Cornetto.Yummie! :) Then I went home, slept till 7 +. That's from 2. OH GOD!! I just turned my HEAD and I saw Search for the Next Doll!! GOD!! It was on TV in my sister's place LONG LONG TIME AGO. She got me hooked and I've been watching it last year on YouTube. Lol. One year later, it's on Singapore XD HAHA!Love Mellisa and Asia!! :D Heehee!! Chelsea's cool too.. Love her voice! ^^ Okie.. DOLLS!! HERE I COME!! Tah everyone!! :D-Let your creativity drive your day, and it will help you arrive at amusing places.-
I would want to live longer...
Monday, May 5, 2008
Exams, exAMS, EXAMS!! GODDAMIT!! EXAMSS!!!That's all that has been going through my head these few days. Right, I haven't updated for quite some time. Please, don't blame me. It's the Mid-years, which suck.I had my A-math, SS, Geog, Chinese, English and Physic papers. Gonna have E-math tomorrow and Chinese Listening Comprehension. Seriously, I've screwed my past papers. Gotta make sure that I do well for the next one.With that, I think I better get going.. Oh, let me just tell you about the highlights since the past 10 days.1. I started tuition with a part-time student named Chrystal with Alfreda.They always come to my place for sessions.2. I got to know new friends.Well, not really. They're Sherman's, don't really know but there's one that we know named Kin Weng. Another named Anthony.3. ShinHwa's 9th Jib is out. I paid for my Normal Edition but have not collected it. Planning to buy the Special Edition too. Ah, just what the heck :P4. I've got my first pay receipt!! HEHE :D The pay cheque's coming up ^^5. Had just played Bball again 2 days ago. After such a long period of time!6. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ERIC! :) 22nd April7. Just bought Vanish Power O2! Wonder if it works =/8. My mum came one day and shocked Alfreda and I. Lol. She was so happy XD Cute.. But my mum went back home a few days later. So fast!9. GOD!! Just now.. 3 cockroaches were in my house!!!One FRIGGIN BIG!! I swear!! O_O And they fly!! SHEITNESS!!KW and Jenny came to my rescue!! GOD!! The princess and knight in shining dress and shining armor!!10. Oh yeah, Sher, Jen, KW, Sammy, Mir and I stayed up the whole night last night XD HAUHAUHA.Well, yeah, So that's about it? And you probably know about the first point already anyway.. Okay, good night everyone! Wish me the best of luck for tomorrow's papers!! :)-Tired Of Something? Get Away From It And Think Why.-
I would want to live longer...