Monday, April 21, 2008
OH MY GOD!! I'm really sad right now.. Alfreda came here just now. First and foremost I shall just tell you guys what happened on the 18th.It was a Friday and I had work. From 6 till 2 AM. I told Henry that I could not work on Saturday. He was pissed. I can totally understand why. It's my fault, I apologize. Alfreda came over to my house too. Haha! God, my house is like totally her house now! ^^ We had tuition and sang songs after that. She taught me how to sing! :D alright, teaching does not mean getting pitch-perfect or melodious. It refers to you being into the song. Really worked - like wonders!She also ate at Xin Wang.. Introduced Fried rice with salted fish. The last time I ate it, it was good. So happen that I wasn't appetising on that day.. I am so freaking sorry! I didn't know that it'll taste that bad!Alright. Moving on, on Saturday. The reason I didn't go to work was because of a BBQ. Actually, I was only planning to go for the St Theresa thing which starts in the morning and ends at about 4PM. Turned out that there was a BBQ party from Amanda's church. So, I cancelled my work. Alfreda's gonna be there too. Can't really blame me, right? It's a once in a lifetime - well, blue moon - event and joining a preach once in a while may be more worthwhile then just working for the bucks, no? I hope so x_xUmm.. Met lots of Amanda's church friends. Guess who I saw? JOASH -_- yeah man, that guy from school. The one from class. Gosh, stop repeating it. It's him alright! LOL and many many of her friends.OH! Did I tell you that I stayed up till morning on Friday? So I worked till 2 Am, right? And I continued to stay up all the way until 6+AM on Saturday. Sherman and Guang Wen and Jenny were here. Shoot. Was really unexpected and it was BAD. Bad service, bad everything. Back on Saturday. Met IAN ANG SI JUN!!! AND NIGER ANG YI DONG!!!! Okay, it's been sooo soo SO long since we met so I hope that I still got their names right ^^;; Haha. And we had this game where you're just supposed to look at somebody when the music stops and make sure that you did not make eye contacts. The ones who did must shout. Ian emerged the winner.. And the reward was that he earned the rights to take the food first. His reply was "But I'm serving" HAUHAHA!! ROFL!!! XD SUPER CUTE AND FUNNY!!And I'm so sorry, Niger.. Dropped you food real bad. After that, Sunday comes by. Another session of Mandarin and math tuition. Was super tired, I have no idea why. Woke up at 9 plus. Thought it was perfect but maybe a lil more rest could do the trick. slept and woke up again at about 10 plus. Had no idea why and how but I dozed off again. Was totally out of my bed only when it was 11 going to 12. SHEIT! Then it hit my that my tuition was coming. Was rather tired during Mandarin tuition, again, with no knowledge why. Pulled off during math. Ah, Shen lao shi was so nice. She bought me brunch! Hor Fun.. And she helped me make coffee. :) Had some of Crystal's cookies ^^;; sorry and thank you!! Math is a dang killer! Have been doing a-math. Wonder when we'll touch e-math. This is harder than I've ever thought it could be!OH YESH! Again, I forgot to add something that happened on Friday. This is the reason why I wrote that I'm sad on my FIRST line. Okay, here's the deal. I had work on Friday, remember? Have been busy these few days too. Had no time to really do a good cleaning up and packing in my house. It was a total mess. Screaming for help at that point of time..My screams were heard! An angel was sent with an assistant, in fact. Guess who's the person? Yes! None other than Alfreda!! The assistant? Jasper, lol. Barely even know him! Thanks man! You guys!! Seriously, I had the urge to take pictures of my WHOLE ENTIRE cleaned up house! Just didn't have the energy to. Plus, the guys were here. Sad.Now, Alfreda left a message on my table. She wrote about how she cleaned up my house, how much dust I've collected in my sanctuary. Practically, how messy my whole ship is. And how Jasper actually cleaned up my books and table. He even put back the boxes. GOSH! Amazing, really!Did I tell you how much I love love love that piece of paper? Just some 300 words on a piece of foolscap paper, which I bet, came from my own foolscapfolder. It was just so freaking sweet! I thought of scanning it and save it for the rest of my life. Right, I know. I am so messy I would probably lose it within weeks - forget about years. But I thought that by scanning it in, at least I'll have a soft copy of it! That's the important thing! AND THIS IS THE SAD PART.I swear, it was there on that very table last night. Still there early in the morning. Still there when I had my chinese tuition, still there when we had math tuition. It was even still there when we finished our math tuition. SUDDENLY, it's gone!! I DON'T KNOW!! It's gone when Alfreda went home!! Or at least that was the time that I realised it was missing. Like as though the wind blew it away as Alfreda left my house. I'm SAD!! SUPER SAD!!Someone PLEASE help me.. I really can't find it right now. I hope that I've just slipped it in somewhere just like how I always slip things everywhere and thought that I've "lost" them. You know, I've been very careless. And I hope that this is just another careless mistakes of mine!! :( Okay, moving on from that, Alfreda and I caught hottie and Nottie on the cinemas yesterday. Must have been the reason why I'm beat today. It was nice :) Nice than Definitely, Maybe, I'd say. Why? Cause I think that it wasn't too late for the guy - he made the right decision.For the guy in Definitely, Maybe, however, I thought that he was late.. He had a wife and a child. Nothing's ever too late, people say. But seriously, a family is just ruined by that. This cause Alfreda and I to have a "conflict". God, seriously, we were like "*beep* you *beeeep*! "No, "*beep* you! You *beep!*""Oh please! It's 12AM already! Spare me from your nonsence! Don't be such a *beep!*""*Beep!*""*BEEEEPPPP!*""*BEEEEEPPP*"Alright, and it went on and on forever. all the cencored words. We were shouting, by the way. And we were seating at Gloria Jean's Coffee. Such a nice coffee but they had us to just ruin the heck out of it. HAH! The customers actually turned their heads to face us! Amazing!Oh yeah, on that day met Quan, Mir, Leslie, Larry and Angel. I guess that's it for that day. Oh, and messaged Joe. Lol. Pranked him. Made a scenario like as though Alfreda and I were fighting. HAHA! Cuteness.Shawn and him came down today. At about 9.45. Was so funny. Sweet too. Thanks man :) HAPPY BELATED APRIL FOOL'S DAY! I seriously don't know why we fooled you two. It was fun! ^^ For fun, joy, peace and laughter! And I'm so sorry that the two of you got into trouble.. And yes, I don't really encourage fickle-mindedness.. So, yeah. And please do think of the words that you are going to say next time ya :)Right, so I guess that's it? Gotta go sleep now.. And bathe, gosh I feel so smelly! Haven't done my homework too. Someone, seriously, save me!! X.X-It's Better To Be Late Than Never.-
I would want to live longer...
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Okay, god! I am soo so so SORRY! I said that I was going to update another post yesterday. Turned out that I did not. I didn't have a quote of the day!! Shucks! And yesh, you waited Shawn.. Here's an update anyway :) teehee!Alright, first of all, I read a fan-fiction yesterday night. Well, you know, I used to be such a fanfic addict. It's addictive, really. If you like reading and is in LOVE with some artist(es), you should try it. If you read those written by good writers, I can assure that you'll get hooked on. Sometimes, there are some that are really surprising. Just got you so engrossed into the outcome of the story and some really describes super well.Frankly speaking, I think that they're the starters of my passion for English Literature. Amazing, huh? Others would say that they read books or heard stories, etceteras, but guess what's my inspiration?! ONLINE FORUMS!! HUAHAUAH!! XDSo, who says that internet does more harm than good? Who says that going into forums is just a waste of time? WHO says that it will not improve any of your attributes? It seriously did improve mine! :DHaha.. Anyway, I went down at 6 yesterday, right? For my work. I thought that my work starts at the same timing, as always. Guess what? I was not supposed to go that early -_-. I was supposed to come in at 7 PM!! How.. Dumb. HAHA!But, I'd have to say that such ironic coincidences happen not only for the sake of happening, but also for a purpose. It just so happen that my mother called me at 9.30 PM. I was supposed to work till 11PM if I came at 7. THANKFULLY, I came earlier and that helped me a lot! I could rush hope at the stroke of 10.And then, drama starts. I told my dad that I was just downstairs - the truth - and told him that I could reach home anytime soon, if he don't believer me. Guess what? He wanted me to reach home within 5. What happened next was like a scene caught on a drama! I actually ran up.. Across the swimming pool, with everyone looking at me and finally up into my home sweet home. LOL. Running in the middle of the night, with red and black, how perfect!So, yeah. That's about all. Oh, did I ever tell you guys about how much I LOVE literature? I think that literature is cool. So expressive.. Profound at times too. I hope that answers parts of your questions :) I know that some of you ARE wondering about my past entries. The poems that I wrote, what I meant when I said this or when I said that, no? Hehe. I know I have something for you to ponder about XD teehee!!-Lie Is a Bad Solution.-
-If You Think That You're So Good;
Think Again.-
I would want to live longer...
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Guess what! It's minutes before worktime and here I am blogging! Haha.. Anyway, the thing is, I went out with Alfreda yesterday!! And we had fun.. Except for some unfortunate events, but anyways, the coolest ever is about to be revealed!!I, CINDY CLARISSA ADRIAAN, ACTUALLY LOOKED FEMININE!!No, I'm not joking. I'm so shocked myself!! So was Alfreda! XD HAHA! I have the photos in my phone.. As always, haven't uploaded them ^^;; Will do so later on ya.. For now, tah tahh~~ Work here I come!!
I would want to live longer...
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Have been hanging out lately. :) It's fun! Such a long long time since I did so..However, I still feel that I'm a spoiler. I'm sorry, I can't help it.I'm sorry, if I'm a poiler.I'm sorry, if my presence is such a threat.I'm sorry, if all that I've been doing is harm.I'm sorry, I really am.Maybe I should just stop it. It's not only once, or twice, after all. It's been like that. I've no idea why. Maybe, just maybe, I'm reading just too much into it. Will there be any signs?After all, my definition of things are different from yours.Mine, however, is mostly agreed by many.But I won't, and will never, put differences forth. Friends are there for each other no matter what. Unless, mishaps happen. In that case, mourn, I shall.Anyway, English lesson was spent with Ms Tan back in class - getting us on with debates. Gosh, it's like The Arena coming into class! Haha.. The motion? "Are parents responsible for crimes commited by their children?" And that reminds me! I'm supposed to watch The Arena!! Today, riught? Lol.. I am SO dead.. Nah.. Shall find some way out XPUmm.. Studied at the Bukit Merah Library just now after band. Was so tired but it was quite fruitful, I have to say. Practised Mandarin. Gosh! I just suck at it to the core.On Sunday the 13th, I stayed at home the whole day. Wanted to go to Cold Storage and buy some drinks. Sadly, that didn't happen cause I practically snoozed half of the day. I've no clue why I did so. I was fresh in the morning. Cooked food for myself and watched TV.. The next thing I know, I just woke up from a slumber! O_OOn the 12th, we went out again. Went to Vivo. Had "free karaoke" haha. Played dare or dare, actually, and the loser had to sing. Sung Big Girls Don't Cry by Fergie and the song sometimes finds its way into my mind at some points of time.Met Li Gui, Mir, Alfreda, Soon Ji, Joel, Hong Kiet (new guy introed by Li Gui), Jenny, Caroline and Quan. Those were the people who I hanged out with for that day. Li Gui and Hong Kiet left earlier though. Had lots of fun playing water too XD NOTE*! Soon Ji is such a dumb! XD He continously wet himself! Without his own knowledge, of course. He ran his way through the water! What do you expect? -.-Anyway, we took quite a lot of pictures on that day. They're with Caroline and I haven't asked for any yet.Alright, I've uploaded quite a number of pictures but are not ready to be posted yet, I'm sorry. It's going to be 2 in 40 minutes! I better turn in man! good night everyone!-- OH YES, before I forget, Sorry CAROLINE.The funny, hilarious, lovable and unique MC is ELLEN DEGENERES. Caps locked :) Really love her! although I spelt her name wrongly. Dude, mistakes DO happen, although I didn't mean them, I swear.-Everything must happen in its own time --
because everyone has a different agenda.-
I would want to live longer...
Saturday, April 12, 2008
OK! This is bad bad bad. Just bad. I just came back home and I was from Xin Wang. Was with Caroline there, eating our supper. 1 mango pudding, 1 mango sago with pomelo cream, 1 toasted bread with condensed milk and peanut butter and a cup of milo mixed with horlick. GOD!! SO DARN FATTENING, right?! -____- SHEIT.Lol.. Just now Caroline dared me to ask Ah Lun about the boyfriend-girlfriend thing. Haha! She wanted to see his reaction. So, anyway, there you have it!Ok, before that, I initially planned to go with Ardisa to the Tanjong Pagar MRT station to retrieve the Ez-link card back, and making a new Ez-link card for myself. However, all those were not done at the end of the day cuz we spent too much time deciding on what we should wear to match each other today. -_- Rubbish sheit man! Shouldn't have!! But hey, no regrets! Cuz it makes us have lots of fun together today ^^Was with Ardisa, Amanda bestie, Li Gui, 2 new guys (Timothy and Andre) at Xin Wang. Ardisa was having her lunch while I grabbed a dessert and the rest of the guys talking and looking at us eat. Caroline was working and she was let off earlier for some reason. I have no idea what.Then, the QSS guys went home and Carol, Disa and I went to Vivo. Alfreda bestie joined us :) And Carol played arcade with Freda. Disa and me went to PageOne. She wanted to buy some short story book. She saw this complete collection of romance series and thought of buying it but it costs a good 230 bucks! Of course, I searched for others and found this nice one. Figured there must be some series to it or some "sisterhood" books as well. True enough, we found some, but not all.After seaching for some time, we agreed that maybe looking for the "librarian" would be an easier way out. When we're queueing up at the counter, Disa suddenly said "I think these books are the same as the collection just now." It then hit me that this might be true. So, we went back and checked. IT WAS TRUE. Goddammit! Just wasted a HELL lot of time!! Felt so stupid. HAHA!After that, Disa had to go home. We went to buy movie tickets. Watched Definitely, maybe. It's not so bad, maybe you'd consider watching it. Well, the main character will be described as 'slut". HAHA! I'll give it a 6/10.. ^^;; cuz it's not exactly to my liking..Alright, took some pictures and did I mention that Alfreda is a pro in faking an ah so?! Well, she IS! She was running like an old auntie all over Vivo City just now!! I'm positive!! Not joking or lying!! I've got some proves!! HAHAHA Yepz.. Shall end here. Good night everyone! I have work tomorrow at 12PM!! X_X hope I can wake up!!! GAAHHHSorry Chenliana. Bener2 sorry. I didn't expect things to turn out this way, seirously.Sorry Sherman. I didn't tell you about my changed schedule. Thank you sooo much!! Come again another time?? :D hehhe!!-"What Is The Male Version Of Slut?"-
I would want to live longer...
Friday, April 11, 2008
Well, oh my God! It's already 12.45 and I'm supposed to be asleep! Or so was my plan.The thing is, I took a bath and for who knows what reason, I became so fresh! I thought of doing other things, say, my homework or other assignments, but that'll make me so fatigue tomorrow if I don't rest enough at the end of it all.So, I decided to update! :) Just watched American Idol Gives Back just now. Love it! There was Allen Degenerous (can't spell her name properly ^^;;), Mariah Carey, the Hannah Montana girl (forgot her real name again ^^;;), and many many more. It was lovely. There was the Russian guy. Haha, hilarious!Alright. As for my day, had Mandarin tuition just now. Given some letter writing format and words to remember. Real long but it can certainly help me. Should start memorizing it, man.Talked to Amanda and Li Gui on the phone just now. Hmm.. Amazing. Haha. And Amanda wanna stay-over at my house!! If she can.. More surprises!!Umm.. I'm also supposed to go to GESS tomorrow for their GALAnight. However, I am unable to cancel my work. The unfortunate thing is that Chenli has bought the tix! Two of them.. Can't seem to sell it to other people. I really hope that somebody will want to buy it.2 Gang Eng Seng GALA night tickets for sale.
$10 each.
I feel so screwed up because of that. I know how it feels when somebody tells you that he is going to go and cancels. I am so sorry. I really am. I know that words can't do this justice but I sure hope that you will forgive me. How I wish they will accept refunds. Please, refund?? -.- sigh.
Okay, finally, I uploaded a picture!! Hehe.. That was on the 4th of March. Jenny smiles when she's suffering :D Everyone, REMEMBER THAT! And it's true! There was this once when she accidentally knocked her foot somewhere in my house. Instead of groaning in pain, she was laughing there like there was no tomorrow. Everyone who was aware of us were giving us THE look. HAHA! Ah.. Joel and I were bullying her in this picture, anyway - with out bags XDShall post all the other pictures soon ya.. :) good night!!-Relationship Is Not Measured By Distance;
It Is Measured By The Heart.-
I would want to live longer...
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Right. Sheits DO happen. Lost my key again. Thank god, nothing else was inside, other than some Rupiah and my DEAREST Elizabeth Arden. I can feel my lips crying out loud right now.. It's SO dry lately. I've no idea why!! Anyway, I'll tell my mum about me losing EA, won't tell her about the key ^^;; I'm still home - safe and sound anyway. No reason for her to know, right? Will just add on to her stress. The locksmith costs 100!! But thank heavens, I got 10% discount. At least it ended up being 90 intead xD hehe!Okay, bad news is, I'm broke now. Not a dollar with me. Dunno what to do. Tomorrow gotta rush home and that's it. Wonder how I'll eat in the canteen.Anyway, I haven't updated for 2 days now, ya. Always wanted but didn't have the time. No photos up yet too. The most amazing thing that happened was the when I ate 6 eggs together with Jen. SHEIT MAN! That's high CHOLESTROL! Not healthy! And I ate 4 the day before!! I still have 30+ more to finish up!! Within 24 hours! That's impossible! Even if I eat 1 every hour, I'll still have 6+ left!! -_-Great job, Cin. You came from a third-world country as well. You know how hard the people there are living. Sigh.Okay, nothing came into my mind about what happened anymore. Had work yesterday and today. Had my first Math tuition yesterday, on Tuesday. Fun and restlessly got the better of me after 2 hours ^^;; not a surprise. Was late for the tuition, by the way. Felt rather bad but the atmosphere was not intense. Hehe.. So.. I recovered kinda fast XDOkay, haven't done homework. It's Wednesday.. Hope I can finish most of my homework already!! Can't wait for the weekends!! But there are still so many events on the weekends!! ARGH. Feel like cancelling them.. But also feel that I'll regret cancelling them =/ SHUCKS.Somone, please. Enlighten me!!! X_X And Bernardkohkunxin! You read my blog too!! XDXD HAHAH amazinnggg!!Okay, special message. HAPPY BITHDAY ANITA!!! :) did you receive my text??-Someone, enlighten me, please.-
I would want to live longer...
Monday, April 7, 2008
Alright. I'm dead. Haven't done my homework assignments.Long list of them. Done English correction though. Newspaper not done. Planned to do it since last week. Haven't done physics. Havent copied my A-math as well. Haven't ironed my clothes. That's it.Good night everyone! Sigh. Sorry.. And I just can't understand some people. Period.
As said by my horoscope:
-"You are slowly learning how to manage a difficult person. You are taming a lion!"-
I would want to live longer...
Friday, April 4, 2008
Right. Went to school today. Was so tired and actually planned not to go, after all, Jen and Mir didnt go as well. But nah.. The Thai people were supposed to come and I have a responsibility to take. Can't possibly just dump it aside.Umm.. One disappointment.. The "group of Thailanese (Alfreda and Shao Wei scolded me saying they're just Thais -_-)" turned out to be represented by a man only. He was the conductor of the band there. Umm.. It's a music school, so u bet that they're standard is much HIGHER.And ah.. I had plans today. Meetomg Amthony and going other places/ Was shocked actually cuz we were told that we had to stay back for drills. Alright, drills is important. However, the notice was so short I can'y possibly just cancel all my other appointments. They were the things that I have been looking forward for and planned out. Cancelling them will bring along bad mood as well..Anyway, met Anthony and had lunch. Together with Shawn and Carol. Didn't manage to meet Jenny. She went off the moment I reached. It was a coincidence, really. The thing is, I pranked Carol on April Fools' and I pranked her just now too XD HAHA! Yeah man!! Anthon!! We're a great team!! ^o^and umm.. Did I tell you about the time Soon Ji and I got scolded by this teacher, I don't know who she is, by the way. Soon ji was saying "I'm sorry" "sorry," "we're sorry" haha! Funny!!Ahh.. And did I tell you that yesterday Quan apologized to Mir.. Made some banners showed it off at TBP. It was so sweet. Sad the reaction was not really a pleasant one ;;;;After the lunch with Anthony, we went off to watch movie. It was Untraceable. Ok, this wasn't really in the plan. Super random but great show! Thriller.. Sadistic! Ouch.. How the guy died because of intense heat, Sulphur Acid and this liquid medicine. I forgot what it was. anyway, all of them died. Shucks! Thank god the girl survived before being chopped into pieces.After the movie, accompanied Jenny for a while. She was sick.. Needed rest but didnt feel like going home. Went to the park where people played skate-boards. Chatted with her and went to Anita's house to return her her ID. Zu' Bat was there.Talked and talked with Jen.. Unbelievable, indescribable.Went to SAFRA after that. Played with Shao Wei, Alfreda and Joel. Thought more people were coming, guess I was wrong. Haha. But it was good! Played in pairs. The outcome?Cindy - Alfreda : WINSCindy - Joel : LOSECindy - Shao Wei : WINSYeah, so you should know who are our opponents. Fun fun fun!! ^^ Noob here!! Taught by Nooby teacher!! :D WINS!!! Hehehe..I went home after that. Was at Xin Wang for awhile. Freda and SW were still with me. Guess who we saw? MARIE HO ELLIS. LOL!! With CAPS. She practically ran away from us.. She was aware that we were THERE. HUHUHAHAUAH! Ate Subway for dinner. Went to the swimming pool after that and then Alfreda was sent home by her dad and SW took cab home. That's the end. OH! GUESS WHO I SAW AGAIN?! CALVIN!! Cicak's godbro -______- I THOUGHT HE WAS JOKING WHEN HE SAID THAT HE LIVED HERE TOO!! GAAAHHHSo anyway, Sorry Pretty.. and that's it for now ^^ good night!-Meretricious, Contradictious, Superficial.-
I would want to live longer...
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Alright. I just read my entry yesterday. Haha.. It's cool!! I found no error XD so I wasn't really that high, eyh.Could still type and walk ^^ Umm.. Couldn't wake up just now. Not a surprise, though. What can I say? It was 4 after all! But I still went to school anyway :) See, I told you I'm a good girl!Dad just called just now. Telling me that he can see the house from there -_- ya.. Kid's joke. There's nobody here man! I told him that and he didn't believe me.. Seriously, I'm very untrustworthy. People, don't ever trust me! Take this as a warning. Why did I damage myself? Cuz it's a fact! Even my OWN parents can't trust me. What makes you think that You can trust me, true?Anyway, went to school with Leslie! Amazing xD Haha.. Well, yeah, Mir and Quan had a conflict. From what I heard, in Mir's point of view, all I can say is that he's jerk. Right, I've seen evidences as well but I'm not gonna say it out. I talked to him just now, he didn't tell me any of the things that I found. Quite a disappointment. But hey, since he's not gonna say anything, it's equivalent to I'm not supposed to know about anything too, right? So, I'll just shut up. He did this apology banner thing.I have no comments. Umm.. Well, I can give one though. It's one word - Whatever. It's up to you as how you wanna define it but I have my own way :) did you define it the same say and I am defining it??Ahh.. Let me tell you this. The colour combination suck, I know. Don't remind me. Lol. Went to Tiong just now. Met Many people there!! Sherman.. Pretty.. Alfreda and her friend - Shao Wei. Seems to be a nice fella ^^ Diso has been asking me out. I'm so sorry.. I've not been with you.. Why don't you join us tomorrow? :)Just called Anthony. Haha! Oh yes, Shao Wei looks like Anth!! Serious!! I've no idea why I called him as well.. But well, I was reading bloggy so yeah ^^ Haha.. oh yeah, *ehem* REQUEST Poem or, at the very least, blog about me :P and TAG me!! XDJen!! Get well soon!! Carol too!! Glad we'll be going out together tomorrow ^^ Anth will be there too!! :D I think him joining us was supposed to be a surprise for me.. Cuz Jen and Carol didn't tell me XD LOL! And I ACCIDENTALLY found it out by accident.. And I called him at the right time!! Huahuahuah!!Right, some update about me - Currently having a hurting throat. I think that it must've been because of yesterday's Sapphire Bombay -_- Thank god there's Difflam!! Haha.. Oh yeah, did I tell you that I felt like smacking someONE that time?? Haha.. It was just because of the fact that I know what it feels like to be framed or in such a situation.. It sucked. So yeah.. Haha! Nights everyone!! Shall end here.. -Should You Forgive Him?-
I would want to live longer...
Godammit! Didn't plan this earlier on, SO unexpected. I was working.. From 6 and some things just happened. Conflicts. Had talks. Mir and Sherman visited me during my work today. I'm super sad. Carol and Jenny didn't manage to come. Jen was sick!! She's having FEVER right now, if I''m not wrong. Carol couldn't come down but that's alright. Many problems rising up.Well, Mir told me her problems. That's cool. Anyway, after I knocked off, we went to my house. I bathed before I went to work. So, only Mir went to bathe. I browsed the net for a while and then I felt like drinking a lil. Mir said that she was meeting Thuya. I didn't really know the reason why but was told later on that they're gonna meet to drink. She invited me to join them. Thuya approved and, in fact, Eke was coming as well ^^ whee haha..GOSH! Mir was so WASTED caps and bolded, dude! Right, I'm quite high myself right now.. Haha. Had dry gins. Wanted to tell Moniq.. Guess I left her too many messages already. DAMMIT! Well, umm.. I don't do Dry Gins, seriously. Eke don't too. And it seems like Eke just did his girlfriend. Gosh, what the SHIT. She's pragnent?? Holy cow~~ I've no words to say man..Anyway, that's it for now. I gotta go to school tomorrow man, shit. I wonder how it's gonna go. It's already 4 now and I'm not even sure if I can wake up.. Eke and Mir are gonna pont. Me and Thuya are trying our best not to.. Thuya!! FIGHTING!! :D hehe..I wonder if there's any spelling mistakes here.. Gosh, I wonder what it feels like to be drunk xD hahaha!! Well, glad that I'm not though :P The dry gin just now was shappire.. 47%.. Did neat and mixed. It went well with Red Bull ^^ Haha, Thuya's DA man.Alright, gotta go now. Nitez everyone!! ^^ Hope I can wake up.. Thanks Sher!! :)-When there's a Will, there's a Way.-
I would want to live longer...
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Alright, I shall make this short and sweet. After blogging just now, I went into my room (while leaving computer on for downloads) and slept. So tired.. It was a nap actually, but I'll just say "sleep". After all, we do sleep for only 3 hours sometimes, no? So, woke up at 8.58PM or so and bathed, getting ready to go down and meet Carol. Promised her that I'll be down :D hehe!! Well, it was part of my plan for April Fool's Day!Fact, I didn't really fool anyone today, neither did anyone really fooled me today. Haiz. It's been some time since I've been fooled and fooled someone, yeah. Missed the times I was in primary school and we used to fool each other upside-down. OH! And the best prank by Isnu, Eric and Jenny. Can never forget that. Lol. You guys are the best at it! Miss that ^o^Umm.. So I told Carol that I wasn't going down anymore when I was actually right in front of the cafe already. She was shocked to see me when she walked to the front again. Haha! Cute.. Shaun told us that she suffered worse.. His friend called saying that he/she was at the police station and Shaun was already on his way down.. Turned out to be a prank! XD Teehee.. Withdrew allowance and went to Jen's and Carol's after she knocked off. Done homework and chatted. Didn't plan to come home so late. But it was alright, worthwhile. ^^ Glad I did so :D hee.. Oh yeah, I just feel that there's something wrong.. Somewhere. Can't put my fingers on it.. Sigh. Shall fine out soon ^^ Nitez everyone!! It's already 1 -_- GAAAHH!!-Happy April Fool's Day!-
I would want to live longer...
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Here it goes. I took this from Eeemaaanniieee's blog by the way XD And her answers are crazy :P check hers out yourself XD1.
Beer: Drink
McDonalds: Ronald McDonald (the statue mascot)
Relationships: boyfriend-girlfriend
Purple: Barney/gays
Power Rangers: HAHA red power ranges!! XD my cousin used
to love him so much!
Weed: smoking.
Steroids: swimming
Cartoons: spongebob squarepants
The President: US president Mr Bush
Tupperware: black.
Florida: America. Heat?
Santa Claus: Christmas
Halloween: pumpkin with face
Alice: POA -_- GODDAMIT!
Grammar: English.
Myspace: music/musicians/artists
Clowns: Heavy white make-up on face
Marriage: white cathedrals with bride and groom
Paris: ... Hilton! XD
Pussy: Pussycat Dolls~
Redheads: My mum ^^;;
Blondes: bimbo
Pass the: dutch (yeah~ same here! Iman answered this too)
One night stand: Well.. the 3-lettered words and westeners.
Donald Trump: RICH!
Neverland: peterpan
Dixie: pixies
Vanilla ice cream: ice-cream stores
Hooters: the restaurant at Clarke Quay.. The time I went there with Stephanie, Leslie, DKK
High school musical: that's it. The show.
Pyjamas: Bananas in PJs!! XDXD HUHAUHAUHA
Woody: woodpecker (uh-huh! Agreed again.)
Wet Socks: yucks. Stinks man!
Love: heart.
Okay, number 34 is gone??
Well, I wonder what I blogged about in the previous entry. Again, my internet connection is sort-of giving me problems. FREAK! Uh.. Kinda pissed off last night. The reason's pretty obvious. Planned to go home early and do my homework and revise. None of them came true. So tired. And I was fine already actually.. Was at the swimming pool. Jenny and Carol accompanied me. Sorry Freda and Shawn. Couldn't talk too long on the phone. My batt was seriously low. Up till this morning I was still fine.
However, to certain point of the day I became so tired again. And I just had to freakingly hear something unpleasant to my ears. My fate. I don't know why it was always MY FAULT. It has always been MY FAULT from the start. From the start till the end of time, it seems like everything will just be MY FAULT and never and ever changes. I'm fatigue; over everything. I thought, I could just trust and be happy throughout the day. I thought, things will just be that simple, as simple as things have always been. Guess I was wrong.
Adding on to my 'suffering', we had a shitty talk today. About emotional social whatever. I understand why you've been like that. Never ever listening to what people say. Never ever considering other people's feelings. Okay, that's a bit exaggerating. You did think about people's feelings. However, there was this philosophy that people tend to see a person's negative sides more than their positive sides. It is true. The fact is, I know that you are kind and etcetera. However, you think more about yourself compared to others and just be selfish and self-centred. And, your negative-sides seem to over-power your positive-side. Those who are kind may often be mistaken as unkind. What's more a person who's negative-ness over-powers his positive-ness.
I guess I'll just end this here first. Just finished my tuition. Had tests. A-math and Chemistry. I guess I'll fail them both. No, I'm not proud of this fact, mind you. It bothers me but humans just have to move on with life, no? No use crying. Well, crying helps but of course crying while thinking about what we're gonna do next :)
Hey, thanks Sher! For calling me. ^^ It helps a LOT. Haha.. And also for coming yesterday.. It was just a joke XD Umm.. April Fool Eve's prank? XD kekeke!! And now I know that Edogawa is not such a nice place to eat in ^^ whee~~ Thanks to you too :D hehe.. Ooohhh LESBONG!!! HAHA MY love! XDHere's a quote from my form teacher when I was in Sec 1:
"This world is not only about yourself.
If it is, then do whatever you want, by all means, but sadly, it's not.
So think about it."
I would want to live longer...