Monday, March 31, 2008
Alright. You know what? It's freakishly LATE right now! I "studied" just now. Tried to do my homework. Done my newspaper articles but not the others, I'm afraid. Sheit! Just can't seem to get things right. I shall try my straighten things up from this week onwards. I started off fine, so I don't believe that I can't make it anymore. Shall have faith in myself.Okay, updates! Umm.. Did I tell you guys that about my manager thing.. I was wrong? He just wasn't there at that point of time. Anyway, that's not the important part. Well, I found out that there are 2 guys who are Indonesians as well. Haha. Umm.. Found out the truth behind the scenes. Not only about the making of desserts. But also about the movement of manpower. ^^;;I'm so dead. So late. Anyway, another important thing. I was browing through the 6A '05 bulletin board. It's AMAZING I swear! God, Yu Jia and the gang! You guys are just indescribable!! There's the claps.. Photos.. And Plegde!! AH! How could anyone EVER forget the 6A pledge!! ^^ I really wanna show you guys.. I did write before saying that I'll show pictures but that day never seem to come. Like this sentence that was said by my bestie's teacher "tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow. Today never comes, tomorrow never comes." Haha! It is freaking funny, but there are some truth in it too ^^; I'M a living example.Okay, Umm.. I just did my laundry today. I'm such a screwed up! Shall go and iron my clothes now ^^;; cya guys!! Hehehe!! Love! ♥♥♥Okay. I've actually posted this entry moments ago, but I suddenly remembered something. I was studying just now with Caroline, and Jenny came along for a few minutes, and I promised her that I'll write about THE new word that I just learnt today. It'll be in my mind man! Well, hopefully, if not thanks to my short-term memory. Well, the word is "meretricious" a pretty convenient word. But I don't like how the internet dictionary interprets this word. So, yeah. Just for your info, I'm not defining it as how the internet is. Wanna know the real meaning? Check the thick, big book of dictionary ^^ Alright.. Ciao!!
-"Today Never Comes, Tomorrow Never Comes."-
I would want to live longer...
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Hey everyone! It's like I'm soo haappyy!! Well, today I have no work. I was supposed to go to Xin Wang and study. However, Carol cancelled her work today and so I changed my plans too. Had band today. Was so DANG tiring. Carried percussion instruments up and down, as usual. Played Lemon Tree and Legend of the Eagles. Love the second piece ^^ The first is just too tiring and it gets boring after a while. Had our English Essay Test today o.o BAD. That's it. I've no idea why but lately, let's put it as eversince I stepped I feet into HSS, I have been deproving in almost everything that I do. My essays are getting from bad to worse and I always go out of point!! Just hope that this time round, it's fine.After band, went to BMC. Met Quan and Mir there. Alfreda then came after I finished my McFlurry and Joel came moments after Alfreda. Thought that we'll just go somewhere to hang for a while. Turn out that we went to GW and collected Mir's spects too before heading off to this Japanese restaurant.. Joe's TREAT. :DSo glad that I came along XP Man! I sound like a money-faced person!! -_- Grrr. Whatever it is, I'm not but if you think that way, I won't blame you. Maybe being money-minded is not that bad after all ^^ But of course, everything has to be moderated! Not too much or well, yeah, you know.Kay kay, shall end my entry here. Darryl bro! You read my blog too?? Oooohh!! Hey, if there's any silent readers out there, don't be silent please!! Post at the shoutbox!! ^^ hehe.. And thanks ya Darryl! You're the best bro ever!! ^^ Oh ya! I found Chihiro Onitsuka's Infection translation :
‘Somehow, I have to answer back,’
With that, my tongue grows thick with weeds
A shadow passes through one more person’s heart
And strips off her mask
An explosion has ripped apart
The shattered fragments of my heart
And although now all I see
Are glittering lights all around me
When, I wonder,
did I become this weak?
My legs are cramped, but
Pretending not to notice, I go on
This foolish disease of mine
Seems only to get worse and worse
An explosion has ripped apart
The shattered fragments of my heart
And although now all I see
Are glittering lights all around me
When, I wonder,did
I become this weak?
Growing more and more to fear
Every little fever that comes along
I may have little chance
But, still, I must wake up
An explosion has ripped apart
The shattered fragments of my heart
And although now all I see
Are glittering lights all around me
When, I wonder,
did I become this weak?
An explosion has ripped apart
the shattered fragments of my heart
Fragments... fragments... all around me
When, I wonder
did I become
this weak?
Okay, you know what? I'm the type of person who believe that when something happens or if something is just stuck in your mind/heart, it must have meant something. This was the reason why I searched for the translation of this song. True enough, there is a meaning to it and now I understand why it is so stuck in my mind... ^^
-When, I Wonder, Did I Become So Weak?-
I would want to live longer...
Well, yes. I'm jealous! SUPER jealous!! Haha.. Nah. Just joking. But hey! I really am!!! *pouts* xDWell, I'm jealous cuz all my friends are SO populer.. But hey, I'm jealous of them cuz they're my friends! And as I've said before.. I'm proud to say that my friends are the hottest dang things going on! Haha.. That contradicts everything! XDRight.. Anyway, why did I suddenly say this?? Okay, Alfreda, my bestie for hundreds of years just met this friend of mine and in a split second, they're together!! God!! And this friend of MINE chooses Alfreda over everyone else!! Hmph!!! And Alfreda is there smiling. Don't you deny that!! XP XP Okay, I'm jealous cuz I've known her longer and he've known me longer but they messaged each other more than they messaged me!! GAAAHH Haha!! Another one!!Carol!! My babe!! So many guys are chasing after you!! Gosh!! What.. Yu Hong?? Willy?? Glenn!! And the newest OF the newest Ah Lun!!! O_O Holy crapp!! And and and.. I think there's also another person!! At the very least there's another one!! I just can't really put my fingers on who that guy is!! I know there is another!! WHOO HOO!!Gosh!! Okay, the other people who are also ON-demand like hotcakes are Miranda, Jenny, Mimi, Stephanie, Ardisa, Shawn, Joel, MY SISTERS, Soon Ji, Steffi, Sarah YEO, Yi Si, Darryl Mok, Amanda, Iman, Lovely, aiyah!! Just name them all!! EVEN ISNU!! (Lol not trying to put you in a spot there, babe ^^;;) Argh! This is insane! They are driving me out of my sanity! It's like ALL of them are!! They're leaving me on the shelf!! Well, in illustration, it's like as though they're waving their hands off in the air with their backs facing me and their other-half by their sides, and I was there left with a white hanky in my hands, waving at them. -_- You know what? I'm gonna make sure that I grow sexy one day and leave the shelf with you guys :P muahahahha!! (Right, something is wrong with me XD)Okay, so with all those said, I guess you could have already guessed what happened today during work XD HAHA!! Yesh, Carol was.. Let's put it as admired by one of the "seniors" XD haha!Oh oh! And and.. Ooohh.. I was taught about the way we're supposed to wear our uniform, the time for breaks, the beancurd thingy, and many many other things today.. *silence* thought that I was quite alright already (as in I'm already on the right path, on the way to the shining end at the end of the dark dark tunnel. However, I was wrong.) So yeah, thanks Mir, Soon Ji, Shawn and Jenny for today!! ^^ Teehee~~ So sorry for not being there, totally. :) Nitez everyone!! ^^-Words convey feelings, but there is nothing like human contact to make a connection.-
I would want to live longer...
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
OK! YOU KNOW WAD?! I'M SO FREAKIN SHOCKED RIGHT NOW!! I just went over to Carol's bloggy and read her entries.. OH GOD! In her picture.. I saw a girl having her birthday party and she looked familiar, although I'm not sure who she is. BUT the next thing that I saw really shocked me to HELL. I saw SHERLY!! YESH!! SHERLY!!! In the picture as well!! They know each other?! OOoohh if they REALLY do, then it means that Sherly is actually connected to me by another person too - other than Stephaphy!! XD HAHAHAH!! GOSH!! SHOCKED!!! :D:D:D
I would want to live longer...
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Intelligence Interval40 - 54
Severely challenged (Less than 1% of test takers)55 - 69
Challenged (2.3% of test takers)70 - 84
Below average85 - 114
Average (68% of test takers)115 - 129
Above average130 - 144
Gifted (2.3% of test takers)145 - 159
Genius (Less than 1% of test takers)160 - 175
Extraordinary geniusRight. Above is the list of IQ test score Guide. It's amazing!! I fall under the "Gifted" section ^^ Woo hoo!! Well, Albert Einsten has an IQ of 160+!! XoXSome Smart Arses In The World Of The Past
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Poet/Writer. Universal genius.
210Emanuel Swedenborg
Religious writer. Universal genius.
205Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz
Philosopher/Mathematician, etc. The greatest universal genius together with Leonardo da Vinci.
205John Stuart Mill
Philosopher/Economist/Political theorist
200Blaise Pascal
Mathematician/Physicist/Religious thinker
195Ludwig Wittgenstein
190Bobby Fischer
Chess player
187Galileo Galilei
185René Descartes
180Madame De Stael
Woman of letters/Novelist/Political Philosopher
180Immanuel Kant
175Sofia Kovalevskaya
170Thomas Chatterton
170Charles Darwin
165Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
165Albert Einstein
161George Eliot (Mary Ann Evans)
Writer - Close friend to J.S. Mill.
160Nicolaus Copernicus
160Rembrandt van Rijn
155George Sand (Aurore Dupin)
150Alright, now.. Today is my second day of work.. It was ok ^^ Hehe.. OH! I dunno why and how but I heard that Henry just moved as well?! O_O OMG!! WHY?!?! Why do I feel like I'm such a spoiler in my workplace?? I mean, just on the first day, I had a supervisor moved and on the second day, a manager moved! What's next?! O.o GAAHH!! This is freaking saddening!!Okay2. On a happier point of view, I talked with more people.. Sort of. Suzanne-jie (i think this is how one should spell her name) didn't really scold me anymore.. Cuz I hardly served food ^^;; And oohh!! I got to work and I was straight away told that I could take orders already!! ^^ fast-oo!! Happy happy~ Hehe.. And there was a "lecture" on the menu. GOD! SUPERVISOR!!! You're Amazing with capital A!! Hahaha!! XD Oh yesh.. Edward is able to speak fluent Malay man!! I found that out when I was with Alfreda, Miranda, etc the other day. But hey man, it became even more obvious by the minute! Is he a Malaysian??Realised that there's new guy too.. Seems like he's new hehehhe (so it's an assumption actually but I think this is most probably true). Oh, was informed that there'll be two new-comers as well.. They're Indonesians! Whee!! :D Hehehe.. Ok, shall end it here. Have homework to do. Quite beat but I'm still good to go ^^ Night night everyone!! :)-Think Of The World As A Perfect Home;
And A Perfect Home You Have Received.-
I would want to live longer...
Monday, March 24, 2008 -
Free IQ Test
Alright, the above was taken from Stephanie's blog ^^ Hehe.. Gosh. Since the Chinese New Year I just realised that I've not been reading other people's blogs. Hehe. I met Alfreda today and well, she came over to my house first, actually. Hah! No wonder we're best friends.. Seems like we have almost the same trouble together, almost at the same time. Anyway, she turned on the computer and told me that she wanted to update her blog. That's when I realise that her style of writing has changed so much. Yes, I'm so sorry. I guess I've not been visiting her blog since AGES ago. Anyhow, it made me realise just how much I've not been reading and just rabbling on over here. This brought me to senses again and I started reading a few blogs just now ^^.
Thus, that brings us to the test above! Hehe.. Stephanie's in Seattle, by the way. Yes, I'm aware of that but I didn't write about it. Anyway, it seems like you're having fun there Steph!!! ^o^ Hehe.. Glad to know! Take pictures of your new house ya!! Just the thought of it makes me tingle!! XD your house looks awesome!!
Yeah, so that's that. Moving on, today I went to Clementi with Freda to return a PSP which she borrowed from her friend. Well, I'm so glad that you're not a tweet XP I believe that you'll never be!! Hehe!Ah sheit! Problems with my connection! Will update again next time. This is emergency -_-. Btw, I was with Joel, Miranda and Quan as well. We were at Xin Wang Cafe ^^ HAHA! Guess who we met?? MS TAN AND MR KEK!! And their family!! I think the lady with them was Ms Tan's sister-in-law xD HAHA! And HANNAH was there TOO! :D She's sooo adorable!! She's extremely chubby and has these BIG eyes O.O HAHA!! Cuteeee! #o# Took a picture of her too~ But hey, it's so late now! I gotta get going!! Nitez everyone!! :D
I would want to live longer...
Sunday, March 23, 2008
What the freak?! My parents are SO unreasonable!! They called me last night and I was already home, although I did not pick it up. Can't they just trust me?! Fuck. I wanna cry!Don't drag sis into this okay! So what if she did wrong things in the past? Can't a Leopard change its spots?! Can't it turn over a new leaf?! Why do you always always ALWAYS bring up the bygones? Fine, she was dead wrong, I agree. I used to quarrel with her like there's no tomorrow! But the fact is.. She's changed... Right, now I'm 15 - the age when my sis went wrong, but does that mean that I'll go wrong too?! Why do you have to similarize everyone? Even if there's similarities don't you know that the chances of having a congruency is as low as 0.1%?! Oh, but of course, I can up that percentage to 90% if you want to :) Want me to start frequent truency? Cut out my tuitions? Hang out 20/7? Hell yeah! I can do that!Man! I can't stand it! Fine, I am like working behind your backs, but I am planning my schedule out! I'm trying to make sure that I still pay attention in class and etceteras. I have even planned on cutting down the hanging outs with my friends! They're asking me out and I'm rejecting! What are all of those for? Yes, I know. I am supposed to be here to study. But why not study and try to do something different? I mean, even if I'm not working, I'll be going out right? That means wastage on finance. Which is why I'm trying to get some income - no matter how small the amount. You guys just can't appreciate it!Now you're threatening me that you'll come here late at night one day without giving notice. Yeah, that'll be so wonderful. Then you're gonna scold me and I don't know what's gonna happen. I just hope that there's somebody in Indo who can help me out.. Then everything should be able to run smoothly.. =/Sigh.. Sadness. Alright. I'll end that first. Anyway, yesterday was Darryl Mok house's party!! It wasn't really his party actually XD it was his mom's! Happy belated birthday auntie!! (Mummu!! :P) Zhu Mok's birthday is on the 28th! :) Hope I can be there for him ^^ Whee~~ oh we had buffet yesterday.. Met Cui Ling again! WHEE!! HEHE Just found out that you read my blog too!! ^o^ oh yeah.. That reminds me!! My entry yesterday was horrible!! I just re-read it and it has so much errors!! Grammatically and practically language-wise! ARGH.Watched Vantage Point too.. It was good! Marvellous, in fact! ^^ Hehe.. For you guys who are movie-goers and LOVE action and thriller, I recommend you this movie.. Ouh, but do take note that it has quite a number of flashbacks. So, for those of you who just despises flashbacks, do think twice, but anyhow, I think that the flashbacks didn't really spoil the whole thing. I'm sure that the story-line will do it justice ^^ How many stars? I'd say 9/10! ^^Alright, I shall just end it here. Have a nice day everyone! I'm beat.. Not physically.Oh! Before I end, I wanna say one thing though..Caroline: How?? One, I feel bad that he got shifted. Two, I'm not sure if I'm able to follow up the others' teachings.. They weren't really, well, you know, specific. Just take for an example, the black trousers and shoes. Ouh man..! -What Is Your Vantage Point?-
I would want to live longer...
Friday, March 21, 2008
Heyz heyz!! Now I'm updating! Hehe.. Amazing yeah? ^^ Well, I used up all my online time changing this layout ^^ Hehe.. Well, the background is black again.. :P I don't know why but black-coloured backgrounds suit me well ^^So, what do you think? I've been searching + doing it since.. 8?? O_O WOW!! sooo long!!! About 2 hours already!! GAAHH!! Well, I love it ^^ Umm.. Firstly, the animated L logo seriously just killed me on the spot! Hehe.. Didn't even think twice and just used it! ^^ And i find the whole layout perfect too ^^ Not too exagerrated.. Quite simple :D And it was initially falling to the left side of the screen.. I moved it to the middle now :) Alright, it's not 100% in the middle, I have to admit, but it's still roughly around there right? And I shifted it only once! Woohoo!! I'm such a genious XD HAHA! And umm.. See that small L icon there? So cute! Teehee.. And uh, edited some parts here and there and also, listen to the song ^^ Really so into it right now.. It's so beautiful isn't it? By Chihiro Onitsuka, Infection.Hope you like it!! ^^ Oh yeah.. Today is the first day of work. OMG! I thought that we're gonna be ordered on our first tast or something.. But instead, we were just brieved on the rules and what we were supposed to do. After that, our supervisor just said "okay, you may start." I was like "O_O HUH?! Do what?!" Lol.. That was to Carol by the way.. And she had no clue as well.. And then she said "hey, let's serve the food." And we pushed at each other as to who should start first. She then decided that she'll start first if the next item coming out was a beverage. True enough, it was. So off she went. And then I waited for the next one. It was food!! ARGH much harder than drinks.. And for the second serving, I had food again! It's like she was ruling the drinks, while I the meals. Oh, the second meal was a congee -_- GODDAMMIT it was SO much heavier than I thought! Haha.. But thank goodness I managed to pull through.Right, the embarrassing part. GOD MY APRON ALWAYS FALLS!! It fell once and before it did the second time, I told Carol and asked her for help in tying it. She did and I felt relived. HOWEVER, SHE DID NOT TIE IT SECURED ENOUGH!! IT FELL OFF AGAIN!!! GOD!!! I WAS SOOOO EMBARRASSED!!! DAMMIT!!! Then I decided to use my brains and tied a knot in front, a much better idea which I should have thought of MUCH earlier -_-Okay, bad part. I was scolded sooo many times. Sheit, first day and was scolded tonnes so times. When I said tonnes, I really DO mean TONNESSSS. Let's see, was scolded by the cleaner -.-, by the bar supervisor, the bar tenders and also the manager. Okay, not really scolded, though, but reminded. However, I was DEFINITELY scolded by the bar tender supervisor. This I can assure you. Definitely not a good thing.Umm.. But no matter, we should always think of things in a high note, right? So.. I found out about the way they work - the cafe that I always hang around in.. Cuz of the delicious food XD HAHA! So I sneeked into their behind-the-scenes. Not too pretty, I'm afraid. But not too bad, I guess? I do learn lots of stuff. They want things chop-chop. Right and fast. As orderly as possible which is good. Cuz I do know about other places that just do things like as though they have nothing to worry about. And they really do put customers first. I like the part when the manager told us to greet the customers when they're coming in and going out. It went something like "if we don't even greet them properly and make them feel welcome, then it's equals to we have failed." hmmm nice line!And they're nice too ^^ We get to eat!! Yepz.. We have breaks!! Woo hoo.. So I worked for 6 hours today.. I just do hope that we made a good impression x.x I really am afraid if I didn't make a good impression. It would have been such a let-down to me.. :( a let-down of myself.Oh yeah, why do I meet quite a lot of annoying people nowadays? First you ask me for my number, I gave it cause I don't wanna be like this arrogant brat. And you kept on asking me, whatever for? I told you no and you insisted what else can I say? And then I became arrogant? -_- Oh please, what's with people nowadays? Only have on thing in mind, eyh? So everything stops when I say that I have someone else. Hehe, well I do! XD gaggaahhahaSo, alright. Um, did I tell you how I snuck out to work? Nopez.. Well, I told them that I gotta go to school for some math remedial. HAHA!! Telling them that it was because I failed my math damn badly and am one of the worst in class. Not a lie, though, but the remedial part is XD HAHA! And my bag is soooo full thanks to all the clothings!! And their "locker" is in need of a deodorant ^^;; no offence.. Haha!Oh yes, also, yesterday, when I got home, I accidently bit my own tongue real bad that it bled. Can you believe it?? GOD! Someboy somewhere must have talked about bad about me real badly with all the anger and hate. Shoot.. Thank god it's alright but it's still numb though.. Sad.Haha. Alright, that's it for now ^^ nitez everyone!! It's getting late!! 10.39 PM and I haven't bathed :P I'm such a screwed-up person!! ARGH!Oh ya, here's the lyrics to the song:
"Nantoka umaku kotaenakucha"
Soshite kono shita ni zassou ga fuete iku
Kodou wo yokogiru kage ga
Mata dareka no kamen wo hagitotte shimau
In the night
I sit down as if I'm dead
Bakuha shite tobichitta
Kokoro no hahen ga
Sokorajuu de kirakira hikatte iru kedo
Itsunoma ni watashi wa
Konna ni yowaku natta no darou
Ashi ga sukunde shimau koto mo
Ki ni naranai furi wo shite iru no
Watashi no oroka na yamai wa
Dandan hidoku natte iku bakari
In the night
I realize this infection
Bakuha shite tobichitta
Kokoro no hahen ga
Sokorajuu de kirakira hikatte iru kedo
Itsunoma ni watashi wa
Konna ni yowaku natta no darou
Arayuru chiisana netsu ni
Obie hajimete iru atashi ni
Kachime nado nai no ni
Me wo samasanakucha
Bakuha shite tobichitta
Kokoro no hahen ga
Sokorajuu de kirakira hikatte iru kedo
Itsunoma ni atashi wa
Konna ni yowaku natta no
Bakuha shite tobichitta kokoro no hahen ga
Hahen ga, hahen ga sokorajuu de
Itsunoma ni watashi wa
Konna ni yowaku natta no darou ano
-There Are Some Matters to Handle Now... Will They Be Solved?
Will you... Believe me?-
I would want to live longer...
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Heyazz! Haven't been online.. Reason's been given.. And had my internet back on last week, when my mum came back here.. On Saturday.. So why the long time of not updating? Well, firstly, I went on and checked my mail. Next, ShinHwa stuff. They'e gonna have their 9th jib out soon!! COOL ISNT IT?! OH THNX MICHELLEY ^^ hehe!! She helped me order it!! Now i gotta pay it soon!! Haven't got any time to buy post stamp!! SHOOT! And after that, checked Friendster and FaceBook. I did think of updating a few days ago.. Well, surprising I never knew that I had some reader ^^ Hehe.. For those who are reading, hey there! :D hehe!! I know you're one of them Shawn! Hey, wonder where's Isnu! He's in Aussie, of couse. Drop a holler will ya! XDAnd umm had lots of tests going on. Oh, this blog's supposed to be an update of my everyday life. SO MUCH for THAT. Don't think that's gonna be the case for this month. Hope there's gonna be a change soon ^^. Well, my lil cousin's here, together with his dad and my grandpop. Sigh, can be such a pain sometimes. Right, I'm not trying to be filial. Trust me, I'm doing as best I could to let them have a nice stay here in Singapore. Hey, of course I want them to stay here and go back there feeling happy, no? And they wanted me to help them cook rice - I did. They kept it for a day.. Two? And of course the rice has hardened! Wad the hell~ And I usually cook my rice harder compared to others to begin with! Well, this is just a small matter, not pursuing it.But what DOES get into my nerves sometimes is the fact that they always THINK that this is Indo or WHAT. Tell me man! Do I look like I have a personal private car here? Do I have the dignity to change the bus schedule? NO. They're public transport for God's sake. I'm not some spoilt brat who goes around in taxis! Well, guess what? You guys come here, do your check-ups or shopping or WHATEVER as tourists, not STUDENTS. Of course you go round with cabs! Less time consuming, but dig BIG holes in you pocket. What sort of nonsense am I receiving, dude?!And on top of that, my mum came here, practically turned me into a jailbird - not letting me go out with my friends or having my friends coming to my house. One word - WHAT?! Hey, I don't mind the first part of it. Yeah, I WILL accompany you. I mean, I seldom meet you, yes. However, not even letting them in the house?! For God's sake! They're coming here! Not me.. Going out! And it's a good opportunity for ME to introduce YOU GUYS to MY friends. Hah! Guess I'm WRONG, always.. and forevermore WRONG. I don't know what sort of SHEIT I had done, had been doing or AM doing. Nothing just seems right! You aren't happy? Fine. Look, can't you even say it nicely?! I tried to trust, it was ruined. I tried to get your acceptence. HAH! This is what I GOT. Fine, so you want all the lies? No more truth? I'm good to go ^^ So if I fail, if I was hurt, or if anything EVER happened.. I wonder whether you'll be the last one to know. So right now.. I'm living my own life, trying.Always got scolded non-stop. Sheit. Have some annoying person as my most important subject teacher.. All the rotten luck. Hey, if you're free, do come down to Anchorpoint at XinWang HongKong Cafe. :) Will be there from noon till evening ^^ hehe what am I doing there? Just drop by and find out ^^ Heheh.. Right, I'm trying to help. Not gonna let you know. If you found out, that's it for me, I guess. The next thing you know, I guess I'll just lose spirit in almost everything. Seems rather inevitable to me.Right.. Where's my sunshine?? Like the song "you're my sunshine after the rain~" who's the "you" dammit? Oh.. But I definitely know the "you" for :you're the biggest jackass in the world"! SHEIT HIM!! oh, everyone, it's a HIM! A MALE. I'm not sexist but it's seriously thanks to HIM!!!You know what?I wanna curse you!Since August last year,Since my eldest sis was still here with me.Since the time I was supposed to be having fun.Even now,When I AM supposed to be having fun,Going out,Hanging out,Have a whale of a time.But no, Poof! Everything's gone! Why?Cuz of YOU!Freaking bastard,Jerk, JACKASS, Pervert, LOSER!Yeah, you're older than me,So What?You have sons,You have wife,Live your life, DOG.Stay out of mine!I shouldn't be cursing you,cuz karma's gonna hit me too.But I believe that the karma that's gonna hit you backis gonna be so much more,more than you can ever imagine.Can you withstand it?Oh.. I forgot, Maybe, just MAYBE, Your sons are the ones who're gonna receive it!Let you have a taste of the medicine that you brew.Let you have a taste of what it feels like.Let you HAVE a taste of living,Like as though you're a parasite to others,Scumbag.I'll take no revenge,Do no evil.All I want is peace in mind.But trust me,Things may not be as simple and we hope.Of course, things are simple, as they always are.It's got to depend on what you're gonna do.If you take the wrong step,Even a peacemaker will do you no good.When that time comes,Watch out.Beware.Cause I'll repeat myself - there'll be no revenge.Just a game or two, perhaps.From me to you.Not to forget, My eldest and second sis.The three of us together.And if things are in our favour,Our cousins?Our friends?And, of course, justice itself.Okay, okay. Enough of that. Tired now. Gotta go.. Well, I'll update next time?? Oh.. there're 24510 things that I wanna talk about but the bygones seems to be rather vague now in my mind. Maybe some other time I'll remember them again and post! Oh, one- I met a VERY handsome person. This is SUPER rare, isn't it? Ah, and I met Alfreda today. When I was at the McD in TBP.. Was with Mir, Sher and Cherry :DAnd by the way, if you're wondering, don't ask me about the poem ^^ hehe.. But you can comment on it though :D haha is it nice? It just came out of my head like that.. As in typed on my computer non-stop.. Not really well oriented or thought or planned at all. Do give me your comments and critiques ya ^^ haha.. Oh, and apologies for the many rude words. I'm not crude. though ^^v. Right, have fun! Nights!-So Blow Me Kiss and That's Lucky Too.-
I would want to live longer...
Monday, March 3, 2008
Heysss god! It's been like.. a Month! almost literally!
How have you guys been? Umm.. Please don't kill me for not updating, and please don't kill me for not updating regularly like how I used to. Actually, this blog is more for me, right? Since it's like a diary (although it's electrical). Anyway, my internet connection is cut-off. Simply because it's too expensive . In the past I live with my cousins and sisters.. So there were 5 of us. It felt alright. Then the quantity starts to cut-down. Come to 4, 3, 2 (oh remember to add 1 cuz we have to include my maid too, no?) and finally comes to 1. Seriously 1. My maid is gone too..
So, currently, I'm all alone. It's kinda fun though. But there are always prons and cons. Like I gotta do the chores. Hehe but all and all it's good ^^
hehe. Alright it's so late right now. Still at Jen's and Carol's. Yesh, they're housemates right now. So cool, right? Heheh.. Go to a house and meet many people at one go! Bina, ce Beatrice, Ce Charlene, Jenny and Carol. And I'm using Carol's MAC right now. So Cool!
And let me tell a quick view of what has been happening. I watched L:Change the World, 2 Faces of My Girlfriend, The Leap Years in the cinemas. There were Joe, Shawn Ang, Shawn Lim, Mir, Lester, SJ, Quan and Carol. Alright, one fact. Didn't go with the same number of people all the time. Hehe. It was fun! Umm.. Watched the Jumper too.. There were more people. With some more Indos.. Leslie.. And Jen.. Is that all? Disa?? Umm.. I'm so sorry if I missed out anyone.
Anyway, last two days was sooo so so crazy!! We didn't sleep for 24 hours and we loitered. Oh yeah, "met" Shawn's mum.. Hehe! Here's a quote of what we heard "It's already 2 AM. This is MADNESS!" XD haha.. Guess this'll become an inside joke XD
Okay, have so many tests. And there's hardly an spare time cuz the spare time that we have are usually used for resting. (So what I meant by spare time is time to go out and have fun.. Not for resting XP) But anyway, these part few days have been rather mad. Haha.. Had a nightlife. Oh! How nostalgic!! wonder how long I've not been doing that! XD Since I lost my partner.. Huikz!!
Right, anyway, the batt's getting low. Better stop now. Oh yeah. And also, a comment from me. I don't get the world anymore! What.. All the kids losing their virginity at such young ages! Aight, some of them have valid reasons. But there are some who does that just because they think it's "cool" -_- Freak that.
And then this leads to the point of my life right now. Since the past I've not been having any problems with friends. Seriously in my primary school life.. Then in sec1 it wasn't so bad. Sec 2.. Okie :D but then. Sec3.. It was alright, like I told you we had lots of fun. But things sometimes take a weird turn. So if you want me to illustrate it to you, it's like you go on a road which was quiet but then it was suddenly blocked and you were led to a crowded road and you can't do anything. Sheit.
anyway, batt's really low. Ciao!! Gtg..
-This is weird..-
I would want to live longer...